Another way of countering drought is to have a limited amount of mass above ground and to have extensive root networks below ground.
Snow falls as hexagonal crystals, but once on the ground, snow is soon transformed into a compacted mass of smaller, rounded grains.
Mark Zumberge: Basically a seismometer is a box with a spring with a mass hanging inside, and as the ground shakes the mass goes up and down.
The second one is about creating critical mass to get your SOA off the ground and operational across the enterprise.
At the end of last year's Mass a woman who had jumped the barriers got close to the Pope but was quickly blocked on the ground by security.
The ground is a box that is static, which Box2D knows, because the box has zero mass (by default) and therefore doesn't collide with other objects.
Twelve years ago, the Toyota Prius broke new ground as the first mass-market hybrid car.
It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.
Vertical tubes transfer the entire mass of the structure to the ground where they rest on square base plates to spread the load.
It fell to the ground soon and landed in a mass of weeds and the string against a dead bush.
Houses consists of ground or ground plus one units attached end on end to form a complex and highly dense linear mass.
The ceiling of 'the Ground' is carefully up-lighted creating a floating effect to the mass above and give a cozy atmosphere to the area.
In ground integrated experiments, this system is used to collect, display, process and store the great mass of data from aerospace application real time system at a high speed.
In fact, if you get down on the ground right now, and move your mass closer to earth's center, technically, you will speed up earth's rotation making this day shorter.
Using the modified MASS model and terrain data of Liaoning, the effect of terrain on diurnal variation of the wind field in the ground layer is simulated.
An approach using the suspended mass pendulum to reduce the structural response to earthquake ground motion was discussed based on the ANSYS software.
For the weak coupling and intermediate coupling cases, the ground state energy and effective mass of the polaron are derived.
Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.
I knew that possibly I will be scolded am a mass of cuts and bruises, also will possibly die without the burial ground.
The mechanical behaviour and properties of a rock mass are obviously determined by its structure, lithology and its occurrence, and especially by the ground stress.
In this paper, effect of many phonons interaction on the ground state energy and the effective mass of weak-coupling bulk polaron for the polyatomic polar crystals in magnetic field were studied.
The dynamic responses of the models with mass eccentricity and under the condition of bi-directional ground motion were studied at the elastic stage and stages of cracking, yielding and failure.
Dynamic procedure of deployment of a solar array in the ground environment was simulated by numerical method, where the air influence was regarded as added generalized mass.
The deformation of ruptured rock mass is the mostly causation of ground subsidence over goaf.
The generation background and the classification principle of mass filling method are analyzed from the aspects of ground pressure control and production process.
The glazed ground level supports the larger mass above, a gesture that makes the upper volume appear to gracefully levitate.
The geostationary meteorological satellite ground application system is a main system with high speed communication, large-scale data processing, product service giving, and mass data storage.
The geostationary meteorological satellite ground application system is a main system with high speed communication, large-scale data processing, product service giving, and mass data storage.