Overturn ground cover, rocks, and sticks.
Camels browse on trees as well as on ground cover.
The slopes are covered with evergreen ground cover plants.
Ground cover plants have played an important role in improving the urban ecology system.
The relatively bare pasture on the left had 14 sow per acre and the ground cover was removed.
Bushes provide excellent ground cover when grown near waterways or along the borders of fields.
Ground cover is an important factor in landscaping plant. They can improve the quality of afforest.
Either way, it is important to establish good ground cover to avoid the loss of soil through erosion.
Tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone; occasionally grown as a ground cover.
Three: ground cover plants can be cultivated in the side of the stone, and the area should not be too large;
Roses, fruit trees and ground cover type plants may be susceptible to dampness-related problems like mold and diseases.
Signification of garden ground cover plant was elaborated, and its main properties were pointed out in garden ordonnance.
Pathways guide garden visitors around through sensitive ground cover, while steps and pathways make sloped areas accessible.
Circulation extracted from the interior and brought to the exterior capitalizes on the local climate while minimizing ground cover.
As the main ground cover of many ecosystems, bryophytes play an important role in the process of vascular plants' natural regeneration.
Many perennial ground cover plants, such as ivy, periwinkle, pachysandra, mondo grass and liriope, will cover the soil and act as a mulch.
When I was pleased with the final design, I used Fredo's ThruPaint tool to project my ground cover textures to the terrain without any distortions.
Based on the investigations of its landscape use in Hangzhou, the paper discussed the resources utilization and ecological planting of ground cover.
The entrance areas to the site are planted with low hedges, ground cover and grasses to ensure maximum views into the plaza and to create a formalentry.
When the data dimensionality is reduced 90% by using the proposed method, the overall classification accuracy of nine classes of ground cover reaches 80.2%.
Top dressing, adding soil and sand that trickle through grass and ground cover plants is not just necessary for proper drainage, but for plant and grass health.
I went back to Artisan and used the paint Brush Tool, which allows you to paint a new texture on top of the existing ground cover texture by clicking and dragging.
Based on the features of wheat and its background components, an algorithm was designed to extract the percent ground cover, and the corresponding program was developed.
Finally, the use of ground cover plants in Xixi National Wetland Park is prospected and several opinions about how to choose and utilize ground cover plants are presented.
Tree species resources of Qingdao city consists of 400 plant species, including 200 species of arbor, 139 species of bush, 34 species of ground cover and 3 species of bamboo.
Though it is di? Cult to grow trees in the saline-alkali soil, the ground cover and wetland vegetation are rich and vary in response to subtle changes in the water table and PH values.
The results showed that three kinds of plants were propagated and managed easily and they are abloom in the early spring and autumn worthy to be popularized as ground cover plants.
The results showed that three kinds of plants were propagated and managed easily and they are abloom in the early spring and autumn worthy to be popularized as ground cover plants.