One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion.
After a discussion, it was decided that each country would keep a small group of soldiers on the island.
The atmosphere of menace and uncertainty clearly unnerved him: “it [is] very difficult to carry on like normal and, as a precaution, we have cancelled our Book Group discussion”.
空气中充满了胁迫和不安的气氛,显然也令他感到丧气不已:“要像往常一样继续做事实在太难了。 以此为戒,我们已经取消了书友会讨论”。
Then, when the group discussion starts, whether consciously or unconsciously, people tend to only bring up information that supports their pre-judgement.
Slashdot focuses instead on group discussion and news-worthiness of links.
They clearly found that the more people were involved in the group discussion, the slower participants were to respond to the apparent emergency.
We have to remind them it's active learning: You have to be there -- there's a lot of group-discussion work.'
Group discussion, role-playing, skitting, oral presentation, and dictation.
Typically, the teacher use group discussion, brainstorming and other forms of STS teaching strategies to organize STS approach.
Methods Data were collected through qualitative research methods, such as structured questionnaire survey, focus group discussion and in-depth interview.
Methods Qualitative methods of in-depth interview, focus group discussion, field observation and disguised patients were used.
Methods Qualitative methods of in-depth interview, focus group discussion, field observation and mystery patient.
Methodologies: Questionnaire investigation on community health institutes and health workers, focus group discussion by health technical workers, and directors individual in -depth interviews.
The training of CSs in group discussion has no influence on the students' performance in written test, but they can activate the learners' interest and confidence in learning English.
In group activity, the evaluation methods included questionnaire, observation, focus group discussion and personal in-depth interview.
Using various training method such as movie, self test, group discussion, personal sharing that makes interactive communication between the trainer and trainees.
The group polarization hypothesis states that individual attitude tend to become more extreme, "more polarized", as a result of group discussion.
Methods Did the research mainly with Qualitative study measure, include Focus group discussion, Individual interview and Observation.
Group discussion will examine a particular case, apply the concepts contained within the readings and integrate the lecture materials.
The hypothesis is developed as a generalization of the well -known risky shift effect: the fact that individuals tend to make riskier decisions after group discussion than before group discussion.
Taking the teaching method group discussion as an example, the author introduces the application of discussion teaching in the course Ideological and Moral Cultivation.
The group discussion and the efficient class interaction could stimulate the learners' study motivation.
Sometimes in a group discussion or in a personal conversation, we hear powerful truths we did not grasp before, and we rejoice at the discovery.
The following possible topics for workshops and/or group discussion sessions are based on the specific leadership roles in each district.
This paper discusses the basic processes of "leaderless group discussion" in classroom teaching of the administration management specialty.
A small group decision making task was used to explore the role of group decision Support System (GDSS) and group discussion during the process of group judgement.
Through case studies, sharing of intellectual capital and tools, and facilitated group discussion, the workshop covers various advanced negotiation topics.
Through case studies, sharing of intellectual capital and tools, and facilitated group discussion, the workshop covers various advanced negotiation topics.