BT Group added 0.9% in London and Telecom Italia was up 0.5%.
Porsche gained 4 percent to 69.20 euros after Credit Suisse Group added the carmaker to its "focus list" and raised its share-price estimate by 11 percent to 90 euros.
The control group received only normal treatments, and test group added the intervention including touch, visual and aural stimulation. Then observe the effect of the intervention.
It started way back in JDK 1.5 when Doug Lea and his JSR 166 expert group added their API level support for breaking up an application into tasks that could be executed in parallel.
这起始于jdk 1.5,那时DougLea和他的JSR 166专家组添加了API层次支持以将应用分解为多个可以并行执行的任务。
This customized data view is added to the SQL data Group you created in the previous section.
If a volume group becomes full, another physical disk can be added to it to create a new logical volume or enlarge a preexisting logical volume.
Each user or group that is added to the ACL can have a different set of active permissions, enabling very granular control over exactly what type of access is available to any user.
"The future depends on how society guides this group," he added.
A group needs to be added to resolve this problem.
Additional rules can be added after application deployment, in which case this component would be implemented using a rule group.
Now the resources are added, we will create a resource group (RG), define RG policies, and add all these resources to it.
The database partition group RDST_V10_015 is being redistributed with a new partition being added.
It searches for the group name in the name service database and if nothing is found, a group entry is created and then the member entry is added under the newly created group.
If unique permissions are necessary, any member added to a workspace as part of a group can also be added individually, overriding the group's permissions.
In this sample, we use a simple approach: Every CM user group will be added to a fixed ACL named "DW_ACL" that was created in the CM datastore before.
Save the Group entity type configuration with the added object classes; the configured object classes for the entity type are shown in figure 29.
The costs of the added coverage in group plans at work appear modest.
But once the odor was added to the test, the non-sleeping group were only correct about 42 percent of the time, compared to the sleeping group's 84 percent.
You can also remove the newly added entry from the connection manager group in SQLHOSTS corresponding to er server (cm_rss).
In order to extend report access to other users, the user account or group must be added to a role such as Browser.
A partial application: With this option, you can build a zip file that contains a group of files that are added, updated, or deleted in the application.
The visual design is improved, the calendar form is cleaner, and a navigator has been added for the calendar views, including group calendars and delegated calendars.
On successful authentication, you can see a welcome page, which lists that the principal ashishjain@AUSTIN.IBM.COM has been added to the admin group.
成功验证后,您将看到一个欢迎页面,该页面表明主体 ashishjain@AUSTIN.IBM.COM已添加到admin组。
Be aware that once the machine is added to the domain, the group for domain Admins is added by default on the local machine, shown in Figure 1.
Driscoll added: “We’re setting up an industry stakeholder group to focus on the key barriers [to GHG emissions reduction].”
Pv_pbuf_count: Reports back the number of pbufs added when a physical volume is added to the volume group.
pv _ pbuf_count:报告在将一个物理卷添加到该卷组时所添加的pbuf数目。
Global_pbuf_count: Reports back the number of pbufs that are added when a physical volume is added to any volume group.
Global_pbuf_count: Reports back the number of pbufs that are added when a physical volume is added to any volume group.