The corrosive effects of water in those conditions would outpace Bermudan reefs' ability to grow.
They not only grow more quickly in the warmer water but also grew to form thicker layers.
Tip:Watering your plants with the water in which you boiled vegetables or water from your fish tank gives them nutrients that help them grow.
Cyanobacteria and other microorganisms build stromatolites in shallow water as they grow, gradually trapping and binding sediments into the small rock-like towers and mounds.
The rain and snow abound in Canada, with enough water , forests and crops grow luxuriant.
除了与美国相连的五大湖,加拿大还有众多的河流。 加拿大是一个雨雪量都非常丰富的国家,林木和农作物都能得到充分的水量,因而生长得茂密繁盛。
Some trees can survive a long time without water. Think of trees that grow in the desert.
Phytoplankton in deep water get trapped there, while phytoplankton near enough to the surface to receive sunlight start to grow faster.
With the hot weather, frequent feedings, and fresh water, fish destined for dinner in the U.S. need just a few months to grow to a harvestable size of 1 to 2 pounds.
Demand for water will grow as the world's population increases and as people eat more-and more meat in particular.
The turquoise color permeates the water late in the afternoon as the red rays of the setting sun spread out and grow weak.
Though it is di? Cult to grow trees in the saline-alkali soil, the ground cover and wetland vegetation are rich and vary in response to subtle changes in the water table and PH values.
But there are other factors involved, such as increases in the amount of water needed to grow the food for a growing population.
Some homeowners and country clubs are removing turf in an effort to reduce the amount of water used to grow lawns.
That continuity of moisture is what brittle landscapes like deserts need to become fertile again. Water activates a mineralization process, setting free nutrients in the soil so that life can grow.
In India they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is expensive because they can't grow much due to the water situation.
Water activates a mineralization process, setting free nutrients in the soil so that life can grow.
In the past, there was not enough water so they couldn't grow more than one and a half crops a year.
When we lived in Donghuzhen, we had little water and the crops couldn't grow. Our income was tiny and we were very poor.
As Australia's population continues to grow so does demand for water in the cities and for the crops that grow in the river basin.
Nearly 20% of all Saudi oil money in the 1970s and 80s was used to provide clean water to grow wheat and other crops in regions that would not naturally be able to do so.
The roots of these vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that contains all the nutrients they need to grow.
Grow these in bright light with plenty of fertilizer and water in the warmer months but rest through the winter months with no fertilizer and less water.
Most roots are long and round. They grow underground. They keep plants firmly in the soil and absorb water and food from the soil.
Buried in the soil of the small Chlorophytum it will grow fast root, if you give it a little water, it is more vigorous President.
Lightly pinch the next one sticks it to soak in the water can quickly grow roots.
If in the water long surrounded by mountains will grow a lot of moss, just like a pair of Wang Shan beauty, and this mountain is a good mountain worthy of praise.
Flower stone surface legacy modern tide worm fossil remains extremely easily, so the strong water imbibition, in the rockery, often grow green plants on its surface.
Located in the center of it are two concrete cast POTS for water plants to grow and provide shade and comfort from the sun.
Located in the center of it are two concrete cast POTS for water plants to grow and provide shade and comfort from the sun.