These fast-growing species can grow over the slower-growing species of coral, denying them light and preventing them from recovery.
Extending life grows medically feasible, but it is often a life deprived of everything, and one exposed to degrading neglect as resources grow over-stretched and politics turn mean.
Vines grow over empty streets in Tomioka town, Fukushima, north-eastern Japan
Vines grow over empty streets in Tomioka town, Fukushima, north-eastern Japan.
It's like building the South Bank from scratch instead of letting it grow over 70 years.
They don't grow over time, but rather increase the velocity of money in the present.
In some cases, however, cells grow over the wire, causing the vessel to close up again.
We will be watching the plants grow over the next few weeks and recording the progress.
Specify the percent by which the third and subsequent extents grow over the preceding extent.
The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there.
We are also working on query support which will start with a subset of JP-QL and grow over time.
我们还开发了查询支持,它以JP - QL的子集开始,随着时间的推移还会不断增加新的内容。
If you're not careful, the browser's memory demands will grow over the duration of a browsing session.
These counters are generally reset only at boot, so you are more concerned with Numbers that grow over time.
I'm expecting this list to grow over time as I come across more useful WordPress code and update the post.
Recent figures showed job creation at a standstill, as concerns grow over the possibility of a second recession.
But it will become a problem when lists grow over time or when the custom code has never been tested with live data.
Speculation began to grow over Wenger's future at Arsenal, with a return to Japan one of his rumoured destinations.
Their capabilities continue to grow over time, but their real power is in making others discover their true potential.
Aquaponics combines fish farming with gardening, where plants grow over water to cover its surface, while fish live below.
The transplanted nerves will act as a conduit to allow the baby's undamaged fight-hand nerves to grow over to his left side.
Because clusters have a tendency to grow over time, I view this not only as a compromise but also as temporary solution at best.
Once the device is in place, tissue will grow over it closing the defect. The device then becomes part of the wall of the heart.
"So, we saw that we could basically make axons grow over these stop signs, so that they can start to grow like a crazy driver," he said.
Well, you can start slow by just taking that spare change you have laying around and putting it in a jar and just let it grow over time.
Now one out of every five searches are done via voice, instead of keyboard typing, and Pichai expects that to greatly grow over the next years.
Now one out of every five searches are done via voice, instead of keyboard typing, and Pichai expects that to greatly grow over the next years.