A school in Hunan has changed its playground into a garden full of fruit and vegetables, so that its students can grow and eat their own food.
People use more energy, water and land to raise animals for food than to grow fruit and vegetables.
When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you help cut down on pollution because big trucks don't need to take your food to shops.
This will certainly mean that we can grow more, especially some of the food such as salad vegetables and fruit that currently we largely import.
Partly because many people in poor countries buy, not grow, their food-especially the higher-value, more nutritious kinds, such as meat and vegetables.
The food and Drug Administration is releasing a set of proposed regulations today for farms that grow fruits and vegetables as well as food processors.
I mean, they hunt for their food and grow their own vegetables and do things for themselves.
In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutrition.
Some of the farmers grow food for their own families. They sell the extra fruits and vegetables at lower prices than the local markets.
Some of the farmers grow food for their own families. They sell the extra fruits and vegetables at lower prices than the local markets.