Christopher, a garlic grower in California, is manager of his company and he said, "In a perfect world, we would love to see the tariffs on China."
Afghanistan continued to be the world's leading grower of opium poppies accounting for 74 percent of global production in 2010.
The hot grower is cooled by the gas convection.
Grower Randy Hudson was one of the first to export to China, back in 1999.
It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper.
The country is home to both the world's largest tobacco grower and cigarette producer.
The grower 's contract is essentially a means of cost- and risk-sharing with the integrator.
It found that Peru may have overtaken Colombia as the world's biggest grower of coca leaf. See article.
If you are a fruit grower - or would like to become one -take advantage of Apple Day to see what's around.
如果你是一个水果种植者- - -或者想成一名水果种植者- - -要好好利用“苹果日”去了解关于苹果种植的最新发展趋势。
Organic cotton from Turkey, the world's largest grower, sells for about 20% more than the conventional sort.
These grower groups will often make modifications in the production program, but usually for very good reasons.
The obturation of vacuum in the crystal grower is one of the most important factors to judge the equipment capability.
Grower Randy Hudson was one of the first to export to China, back in 1999. Back then, the Chinese had no word for pecan.
Colville also determined that blueberries can't self-fertilize, so the grower must make sure the crop can be cross-pollinated.
When and how does frost pose a risk to grape production? Evaluate the different methods of frost protection available to the grape grower.
The grower benefits from economies of scale and reduced transaction costs, and also reduces the risks associated with large price fluctuations.
Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be thforisthe most darizonazling- the grower must provide products thatsatisfythe discerning eye.
Champion grower Joe Atherton has spent all year cultivating his crop of bumper vegetables in the hope of breaking world records with his giant crop.
Pests have damaged crops in India, the world's second-largest grower, and prices which are already up 10% in the last three years are climbing again.
However, the overriding principle will be that contractors will be obliged to purchase tobacco equivalent to the level of indebtedness of the grower.
"I've been farming for 60 or more years, and this is the driest I've ever seen," said Ben Littlepage, a grower in the central Louisiana town of Colfax.
Research and extension personnel co-led this project so that information generated from research would be quickly integrated into a grower education program.
I think every Christmas tree grower hopes that they will someday provide a tree to the White House, but it's still hard to believe that it will ever happen to you.
Last year the state yielded nearly 62 million tons of the crop-vital for livestock feed and ethanol production-making it the top U.S. grower of golden kernels.
Last year the state yielded nearly 62 million tons of the crop-vital for livestock feed and ethanol production-making it the top U.S. grower of golden kernels.