As the growing development of law education in China, this issue has drawn more and more public attention and become disputed.
Organic slow-release fertilizer for rice can improve soil structure and fertility, promote growing development, increase yield, quality and fastness.
General Richards sums up the need as reconstruction, development, governance and relations with Pakistan, all wrapped up in a environment of growing security.
An increasing amount of forest land has been used for industrial purposes, or for agricultural development such as crop growing.
As agile development is growing in popularity, so is the number of agile processes.
The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development.
But each strain is slightly different, and only the fastest growing one - determined by which tube turns the darkest green - will be chosen for further development.
Two recent, big changes in software engineering have been the growing use of test-driven development and continuous integration.
If you participate in or follow the software development industry at all, you are likely aware of the growing adoption of agile development.
The growing complexity of software development has changed basic estimating assumptions.
A growing body of evidence shows that fat deposited just under the skin doesn't contribute that much to the development of metabolic disorders such as diabetes or heart problems.
For instance, there are growing indications that development teams of the future will behave like members of a social web.
"I don't think this is the end of the story," said Mr. Howarth, who is an opponent of growing gas development in western New York.
Along with the boom of Web services and the thriving model Driven Architecture (MDA), we must consider the growing significance and utility of modeling in the development of software and solutions.
随着Web服务的繁荣,以及模型驱动架构(Model Driven Architecture,MDA)的兴旺,我们必须考虑软件和解决方案的开发中的建模的不断增长的重要性和效用。
Several IBMers worked with the community and contributed to the OpenSim project development early on, and this interest has been amplified by the growing use of the OpenSim platform within IBM.
Readers of InfoQ's Agile news have this year seen many items about Lean software development and the growing application of the Kanban practice.
The growing popularity, versatility, and open source nature of Eclipse motivates many to embrace Eclipse as the development platform of the future.
Eclipse不断升温的流行程度、其多功能性和开放源码特性促使很多人都把 Eclipse看作未来的开发平台。
Mr Pilat said that the bulk of the spending in China was on development work, to alter products for the fast-growing Chinese market, rather than basic scientific research.
And a growing number of marketers are using Web 2.0 tools to collaborate with consumers on product development, service enhancement and promotion.
This change in content hopefully will be accompanied by refinements in development organization structure to properly reflect software's growing influence.
This is very important as practitioners mold their understanding of Agile development to increasingly diverse situations, and address an ever-growing set of issues and problems.
Many foreign luxury brands keen to cater to this growing market, have long localised their products and established research and development centres within China.
Yes, this is a book about the privations of growing up in the South poor and black, but it is very much, very consciously, a book about the development of someone who attends to language.
The organizational context of the growing importance of Human Resource Development (HRD) functions makes HRD a key factor in deciding the organizational competitive advantage.
V. Narayanasamy, minister of state for planning and parliamentary affairs, said the problem was caused by urbanisation and the "implementation of development projects" in India's fast-growing economy.
印度规划与议会事务部长纳拉亚·纳沙米(V .Narayanasamy)表示,这个问题是由城市化以及印度经济迅速增长过程中“推行开发项目”造成的。
While the weakening economy has forced some drug companies to cancel or delay early phase projects, at least one company has seen a growing need for its niche phase I drug development services.
With Web 2.0 being a hot area within development circles, you'll find an ever-growing collection of resources in the Web development zone.
随着Web 2.0日益成为开发圈的热门话题,您会在Web开发专区找到不断丰富的资源。
And there is a growing body of research suggesting these problems are affecting many aspects of our children's health and development, including academic performance, growth and even immunity.
And there is a growing body of research suggesting these problems are affecting many aspects of our children's health and development, including academic performance, growth and even immunity.