Some industry members contend that having 50 different sets of rules, licensing fees and even definitions of "medical practice" makes less sense in the era of telemedicine and is hampering its growth.
The author's suggestion to cyanuric chloride is that developing down-stream product to promote industry growth.
In the case of Israel, security and encryption was always a strength, but that's not the growth industry that it was.
That's probably why investors around the globe are flocking to farmland as the new growth industry.
That looks all the more attractive as growth slows in the computing industry.
Pfizer clearly reckons that greater scale is an answer not only to the slower growth in the industry but also to the particular problems that it faces.
While compensation tends to be similar across different companies in the same industry, opportunities for growth can be vastly different, says Mr. Smith.
GM expects its sales growth to continue, and industry analysts say it may once again dethrone Toyota as the global sales leader this year.
In addition, a number of analysts raised their predictions for 2010 sales of PCs, in some cases predicting as much as 25 percent growth for the industry.
The latest fault, though relatively small, comes at a bad time as the fourth quarter traditionally means strong growth in the wireless industry.
While the rapid growth of the cartoon industry is indisputable many cartoonist are always grumbling about the pressure they suffer from the abject life.
So a new growth industry may emerge from the crisis: that of holding and maintaining essential stocks on behalf of manufacturers.
In 2010 much of the revenue growth for the drugs industry overall will come from the leading economies of the poor world.
China and EVs are just two reasons why Zetsche believes that autos, once derided as mature, now deserve to be classified a growth industry with annual production gains of 5% to 6%.
蔡澈坚信,尽管汽车行业曾被讥为成夕阳产业,但现在以其5% ~ 6%的年度生产增长率,它理应被列入朝阳产业。而中国市场和电动车正是他坚持这一认识的两个原因。
What's more, Western Pennsylvania's nascent natural gas industry should provide growth for years to come.
Tourism, currently no more than a trickle, could be a huge growth industry for the region.
While growth remains brisk, the industry is consolidating.
Some people argue that real-time search is the next type that will emergeas a growth industry for the search market.
In addition, the growth of the financial industry has coincided with the move to floating exchange rates and market liberalisation.
The problem is that the sector is no longer the growth industry investors thought it was in the 1990s and 2000s, when banks grew through leverage and financial innovation.
"Norway and Japan are hurting tourism, a potential growth industry in both countries in order to spend millions of dollars obtaining whale meat, the sale of which makes no profit," Fisher said.
Burdensome rules on special-care nursing homes, which have left more than 400,000 old people languishing on waiting lists, could be eased to provide Tohoku with another growth industry.
In November alone, Nintendo represented 198 percent of industry growth over 2007.
The launch comes amid mounting industry concern at slowing DVD sales growth.
Lake Koroneia is surrounded by farmland and in the 1980s it suffered from increasingly intensive agriculture, but also from the growth of industry. Factories emptied waste water into the lake.
Lake Koroneia is surrounded by farmland and in the 1980s it suffered from increasingly intensive agriculture, but also from the growth of industry. Factories emptied waste water into the lake.