The average boy of 14 years old is only beginning his adolescent growth spurt.
Most biologists, nonetheless, are doubtful that this is a humanlike adolescent growth spurt.
Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in recession, while humans experience a growth spurt during adolescence.
In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes.
Some weeks the baby’s—and your—growth will spurt while during others it will plateau all of which is perfectly normal.
Some weeks the baby’s—and your—growth will spurt, while during others it will plateau, all of which is perfectly normal.
Trees, for example, react to downpours with a spurt of growth. During the longer droughts that follow, the extra biomass then dries up so that if lightning strikes, forests burn more spectacularly.
They found that when babies' sleep patterns shifted — when the infants began taking more naps or slept more overall — it was typically followed by a growth spurt.
When you enter puberty, it might seem like your sleeves are always getting shorter and your pants always look like you're ready for a flood - that's because you're experiencing a major growth spurt.
Hoover Dam provided the two key ingredients - water and power - that freed the Southwest and southern California to go on a 75-year growth spurt.
Bumper inventories, built up during the downturn, are running down as the rich world recovers and Asia puts on a remarkable growth spurt.
And a growth spurt is just that: Your body is growing, and it's happening really fast!
The economy's greater flexibility may indeed provide a shock-absorber, a spurt in productivity has also boosted growth.
Nor is it clear whether the early spurt of growth that Dr Khodakovskaya and Dr Biris have observed will translate into faster maturity or bigger crops.
The world’s fourth-largest economy had experienced a strong growth spurt in the three months to June, but the pace of industrial orders has since eased.
Although unusual for the past decade, the late-season growth spurt probably doesn't indicate a return to normal sea ice conditions.
These wage pressures meant that the country's five-year growth spurt before the crisis-the longest in Japan's post-war history-had very little impact on the average household.
That said, ms Nestle points out that America itself had the same problems with food contamination during its own anything-goes spurt of economic growth, in the late 19th century.
For those of you who love a tall tale, the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growth spurt.
I was at a client recently. They are a successful startup who has gone through a huge growth spurt.
The association wasn't perfect - not every shift in sleep pattern was associated with a growth spurt, and vice versa - but it was significant.
This year they noted that the Arctic ice cap had a late-winter growth spurt, reaching its maximum on March 31st, the latest date ever recorded.
今年,科学家们注意到晚冬时节北极冰盖突然迸出的现象,3月31日达到最高值- - -这是至今所记录的最新数据。
Siemens’s growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world’s dominant industrial company, on some measures.
Given these pressures, and additional ones affecting other animals, it's doubtful that most mammal species will experience much of an overall growth spurt anytime soon.
Girls have a growth spurt that slows down with the onset of their first period (for boys, weight and height come in the final stages of puberty).
Girls have a growth spurt that slows down with the onset of their first period (for boys, weight and height come in the final stages of puberty).