Zoellick also spoke about his belief that Africa can become a new pole of global growth in one generation.
He and his colleagues have created the South Pole Food Growth Chamber, which has been in operation since 2004.
In the short term Uber is in pole position to lead the revolution because of its dominance of chauffeured ride-hailing, a part of the transport market that will see some of the fastest growth.
The system theory, growth pole theory and the theory of coordination for the comprehensive reform and the establishment of pilot area provided a strong theoretical support.
With economic growth is revealed that "growth pole north" trend, the Chinese apparel and footwear also showed cultural shift from south to north gradient of the trend.
Faced to the domestic trouble and foreign invasion, our commercial Banks actively seek new profit growth pole and develop intermediary business greatly to become their important measure.
The development mechanism of spatial networking contains the dynamic mechanism which is the mechanism of growth pole and the motive mechanism which is the mechanism of flows.
There are many a research achievement regarding agglomeration, such as growth pole, regional production integrity, industrial agglomeration and new industrial district.
In the 21st century, China's tourism is experiencing the transition from the new economic growth point to pole industry and from the big country to strong country in tourism.
As the growth pole of a country or a region, urban areas should always pursue economic efficiency.
BY the theories of industry congregation and growth pole, the reasons of forming the clubs are analyzed. Finally, several Suggestions...
In this paper, a quantitative model of the railway project based on the analysis, using the point-axis theory, growth pole theory and regional economic theory to analyze social benefits qualitatively.
In particular, it will explore the establishment of a new ASEAN-China growth pole through promoting the Pan Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation.
The functional location of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone is "One Pole. Five Base, One Barrier ", they are new national Growth Pole .
The functional location of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone is "One Pole. Five Base, One Barrier ", they are new national Growth Pole .