The average boy of 14 years old is only beginning his adolescent growth spurt.
Most biologists, nonetheless, are doubtful that this is a humanlike adolescent growth spurt.
Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in recession, while humans experience a growth spurt during adolescence.
In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes.
So this summer I'm hoping to have a growth spurt. How tall are you right now?
And a growth spurt is just that: Your body is growing, and it's happening really fast!
The bigger issue that divides economists is whether China's growth spurt is sustainable.
The quadriceps femoris t of the high intensity group increase in the growth spurt period.
I was at a client recently. They are a successful startup who has gone through a huge growth spurt.
I pray my kids don't have a growth spurt from August to December, so I don't have to buy new jeans.
He never had a growth spurt; he just started taller than most kids and kept steadily getting bigger.
Objective: to explore the canines calcification as a indicator of the pubertal growth spurt in children.
I put in a lot of time on the road going to radio stations at 6am and singing, all in the middle of my growth spurt.
The childs mother, Milena Orosco DE Agudelo, said her sons unusual growth spurt began when he was just two months old.
During adolescence, people experience a growth spurt. This is when an individual can grow _(4)_ practically overnight.
The child's mother, Milena Orosco DE Agudelo, said her son's unusual growth spurt began when he was just two months old.
How did big galaxies get so big? A rare glimpse at a primordial galaxy undergoing a growth spurt may provide some answers.
Although unusual for the past decade, the late-season growth spurt probably doesn't indicate a return to normal sea ice conditions.
Bumper inventories, built up during the downturn, are running down as the rich world recovers and Asia puts on a remarkable growth spurt.
For those of you who love a tall tale, the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growth spurt.
Hoover Dam provided the two key ingredients - water and power - that freed the Southwest and southern California to go on a 75-year growth spurt.
The association wasn't perfect - not every shift in sleep pattern was associated with a growth spurt, and vice versa - but it was significant.
This year they noted that the Arctic ice cap had a late-winter growth spurt, reaching its maximum on March 31st, the latest date ever recorded.
今年,科学家们注意到晚冬时节北极冰盖突然迸出的现象,3月31日达到最高值- - -这是至今所记录的最新数据。
Girls have a growth spurt that slows down with the onset of their first period (for boys, weight and height come in the final stages of puberty).
The world’s fourth-largest economy had experienced a strong growth spurt in the three months to June, but the pace of industrial orders has since eased.
Siemens’s growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world’s dominant industrial company, on some measures.
Siemens's growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world's dominant industrial company, on some measures.
Siemens's growth spurt has even placed it ahead of its archrival, General Electric (GE), long the world's dominant industrial company, on some measures.