The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001.
The withdrawal marks the start of a guerrilla war, it said warily.
"This is not just a guerrilla war, and it's not an organised war with fronts," he said. "it's both."
His first great adventure-heading off from Cambridge University in 1971 to join a guerrilla war in Baluchistan-did not end well.
The guerrilla war was a protracted one, which required the setting up of base areas where the local people were mobilised and resources utilised.
In retaliation, Confederate raiders, outfitted in the South and abroad, launched an effective guerrilla war at sea against Union merchant shipping.
I do not mean that propaganda replaced combat, but rather that the guerrilla war was carried on in an entirely different emotional environment than regular war.
Republicans promise that the guerrilla war they have been waging against Mr Obama from opposition will merely intensify if the mid-terms produce a Republican Congress.
The question of strategy in guerrilla war does arise, however, in the case of China, which is neither small nor like the Soviet Union, but which is both a large and a weak country.
Since we have had the experience of being able to maintain guerrilla warfare during the civil war, there is not the slightest doubt of our greater capacity to do so in a national war.
The guerrilla war in the Central Plains promoted the strategic positions of the Central Plains, and thus in a great degree uplifted the strategic position of Central Plains breakthrough.
I was particularly frustrated with what I believed was his misreading and underestimation of the intensity of the opposition he faced, and his approach of being a gentleman soldier in a guerrilla war.
In 1861, when the Civil War broke out, he became a Confederate guerrilla but retired after two weeks.
Although he was too young for military service the war touched Ramos when he helped shield his second cousin, Ferdinad Marcos, then a lieutenant in the underground guerrilla army, from the Japanese.
Although he was too young for military service the war touched Ramos when he helped shield his second cousin, Ferdinad Marcos, then a lieutenant in the underground guerrilla army, from the Japanese.