You can claim you love the people all day long, but if you do not show it by being there for them, physically, emotionally, monetarily, or otherwise, then guess what?
I guess it may be a good marketing decision considering the ratings for the show would probably be quite high, but then again are soccer moms a good target audience?
Jim Collins: Actually, there are sort of I guess, two other things that relate to the concepts that show up a lot in the climbing.
Some show diplomats struggling to make sense of major events whose future course they could not guess.
Meg: All of this shopping and I have nothing to show for it. I guess I'm going home empty-handed.
The second game is a story show, send a student to the podium in each group, and draws a piece of paper to show to the members guess.
He said on the show: 'I was kind of… jealous. I was sulking about it. 'There's no going back now I guess.
The bird will show us a mysterious nature park. Can you guess what it looks like?
It can also show whether tumour cells have crept onto nerve fibres, something that is now left to a biopsy or a surgeon's best guess.
Anything, literally in the world can be tied into the show. And we have a built-in I guess an excuse for why it's here.
On the show, contestants are randomly selected to guess the correct prices of everyday objects.
One student of every group show the manners to us. If you guess the right country, you can get five marks.
He says, "Some girls asked for my autograph and then said, 'We love you in EastEnders.' I'd never heard of the show. So I Googled the actor, and, I guess, there are worse people to be compared with."
Oh, yes, he has us, the family, and I guess he loves us, but he doesn't show it.
Anyway, I guess we can make this the official ROTK discussion thread too, so discuss the book, the upcoming Red Cliffs movie, the TV Show (which I finally have!) and other ROTK related games.
Anyway, I guess we can make this the official ROTK discussion thread too, so discuss the book, the upcoming Red Cliffs movie, the TV Show (which I finally have!) and other ROTK related games.