The large aggregation of studies cited attest to the fact that decisive evidence to indicate what nutrition guidance system is "best" has not yet been gathered.
QB is controlled remotely, but an in-built laser guidance system ensures it does not bump into the furniture or door frames.
A new guidance system in the works could help transoceanic flights avoid dangerous thunderstorms, such as the ones thought to have played a part in the recent fatal crashes of two jetliners.
There is no historical evidence that a nutritional guidance system based on 'negative' properties only is useful.
Santa's trip takes in all continents and all time zones. Silverberg says his sleigh is equipped with an onboard sleigh guidance system.
When the guidance system shut down, control passed to an identical redundant unit, which also failed because it was running the same algorithm.
Dobrin's office is a few miles from our home, and Mike agreed to let me and Ed give the Advanced Parking Guidance System a try.
These answers and information cannot come through anyone else but are only available through your own inner guidance system.
When you're supposed to do something or not supposed to do something, your emotional guidance system lets you know.
Published reports suggest that GPS would initially be used as the primary guidance system, possibly to be supplemented subsequently with TERCOM.
It is possible that mercury did have something to do with the propulsion, or more possibly, with the guidance system.
It's a two stage, 15 ton, solid fuel rocket that could instead carry a half ton penetrating, high-explosive warhead, along with the special guidance system (a radar and image recognition system).
This technique which used in laser guidance system, laser tracking system will have a broad prospect.
The whole strap-down imaging guidance system contains the acquisition of image, the detection and tracking of moving target, the guidance law, and the attitude control.
On the basis of proposed algorithm, we developed a visual operational guidance system for long-distance pipeline station.
Your emotional reaction to imagining having your desired goal serves as your "Emotional Guidance System" letting you know where your vibration is regarding that goal.
The general idea is that the Chinese DF-21 ballistic missile has been equipped with a high-explosive warhead and a guidance system that can find and hit a aircraft carrier at sea.
The key to complete the route guidance system is solving the problem of searching the best path.
It guidance system reportedly USES an Intel 80486-class microprocessor.
Once it enters the stomach, the robot could be steered either by an external remote control or by a built-in guidance system.
As we examined each of these, we found that her guidance system was giving her beautifully clear messages.
A scheme for the tactical guidance system of the crossed quaternary detectors, including detective system, servo system and information processing circuit, is introduced.
Searching paths in the dynamic transportation network, a key technology of dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) and dynamic vehicle route guidance system (DVGS), is the basis of building ITS.
This paper briefly introduces a new-ly-developed and advanced vehicle guidance system in Japan, namely the Nagoya Probe-vehicle-based Dynamic Route guidance system (P-DRGS).
简要介绍了日本最近开发的一个先进的车辆导航系统——名古屋基于浮动车信息的动态路径引导系统(P - DRGS)。
Intelligent transportation system covers a wide range of transportation fields, in which route guidance system is one of the important applications.
The detection, recognition and tracking of point targets are the key technology to enhance the ability of guidance system.
The detection, recognition and tracking of point targets are the key technology to enhance the ability of guidance system.