Spartina alterniflora, known as cordgrass, is a deciduous, perennial flowering plant native to the Atlantic coast and the Gulf Coast of the United States.
Were they salt domes such as are common along the United States Gulf Coast, and if so, why should there have been so much solid crystalline salt beneath the floor of the Mediterranean?
In fact, artifacts and pottery from Teotihuacán have been discovered in sites as far away as the Mayan lowlands, the Guatemalan highlands, northern Mexico, and the Gulf Coast of Mexico.
The unusually high mortality rate among dolphin calves in the industrially contaminated waters along Florida's Gulf Coast is probably the result of their being poisoned by their mother's milk.
Addressing Gulf coast residents, he sounded calm but firm.
Birds along the gulf coast have been among the immediate victims.
For many gulf coast gulls, terns and cormorants, this has been a lethal mistake.
Now deep oil is providing more employment to the Gulf coast-but not in a good way.
In 1969, 248 people were killed as Hurricane "Camille" slammed into the Gulf Coast.
Mr. Bush will get a first hand look at storm damage along the Gulf Coast on Tuesday.
He said they face tough challenges, but he vowed that America's Gulf Coast will rebound.
It was not the first hurricane to hit the Gulf coast of Texas, and not the first to hit him.
BP's Macondo oil well off the gulf coast was officially declared to be "dead", or sealed by cement.
One thing that is clear is that different parts of the Gulf coast have seen very different levels of impact.
We have made a strong commitment to the people of the Gulf Coast and we will honor that commitment as well.
Huckabee referred to Hurricane Gustav battering the Gulf Coast, in emphasizing the importance of human life.
NASA satellites have been tracking the growth of the oil spill as it has spread towards the northern Gulf Coast.
“Birds will land wherever they have to.” For many gulf coast gulls, terns and cormorants, this has been a lethal mistake.
"Birds will land wherever they have to." For many gulf coast gulls, terns and cormorants, this has been a lethal mistake.
Worse, the storm could drive oil in the water up onto the beaches and further into sensitive marshes along the Gulf coast.
“On any individual claim, we don’t answer to BP. We decide,” says Ken Feinberg, who runs the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.
We don't hear much about Haiti or the Gulf Coast on the news these days, but these disasters are in need of much support.
Blue catfish is native to 20 states, primarily within the Mississippi river Basin but also in rivers along the Gulf Coast.
I grew up on the Gulf Coast and my family still lives there and I want you to know that my thoughts and hopes are with you.
Residents of the Gulf Coast were portrayed for months as innocent victims of a careless corporate polluter's mismanagement.
Residents of the Gulf Coast were portrayed for months as innocent victims of a careless corporate polluter's mismanagement.