If plaque is not removed, it builds up and gets under the gum line.
Combining a nicotine patch with an 'as you need it' nicotine lozenge or gum could be the best way to help smokers give up the habit, a new study has found.
Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress.
Unwrapping a stick of gum can even turn out to be a substitute ritual for lighting up a cigarette as a conditioned response to stress. More.
You might get $30 per piece, but it all adds up, It is a rich area and people simply drop things, or their jewellery falls on the street, and it gets stuck in the mud or the gum.
In fact, according to a 2005 U.K. study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, smokers are up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.
It can be hard to get used to not holding something and having something in your mouth. If you have this problem, stock up on carrot sticks, sugar-free gum, mints, toothpicks, or even lollipops.
Another reason to bone up on your brushing and gargling is that poor oral hygiene and gum disease have been linked to more serious illnesses, including diabetes.
That would add to the legal cost of transactions and further gum up a damaged channel of credit.
Still, in some applications, nano-materials gum up the works, or break down after a few dozen charges and discharges, experts say.
The multicoloured balls in bubble-gum machines could be picked up in a girl’s dress, or the red of a stiletto shoe matched with the frame of a shop window.
The younger generation of geisha is represented by the gum-chewing Mickey, an arrogant example of Westernisation who racks up debt around the district and moans about having to get up early.
Aggressive drivers, who don't give the car in front of them enough space, and timid drivers, who need a big gap between themselves and the cars surrounding them, gum up the works for everybody else.
The hitch is that syngas from waste is full of tarry residue that tends to gum up the turbine.
A mock-up, then, is something you pungle together out of duct tape, chewing gum, paper clips, cardboard, and paint just to test a concept that you don't necessarily want to implement.
I said, 'We don't break up packs of gum.' -i mean, I've got my principles.
Cadbury became the world's largest confectionery company in 2003 after buying up a number of gum brands, including Trident and Stride.
Antibodies are proteins that stick onto a pathogen and gum up its works.
And refused to give up the image of American soldiers handing out chewing gum and chocolate bars.
The British Cadbury company, which sells both chocolate and goodies like Trident gum, found its annual profits up 30 percent in 2008.
When Lindsay Lohan was suspected of being a spokeswoman for Ariva Nicotine Gum in 2008, the brand cleared up the confusion and denied the celebrity's involvement with it.
Phoebe: And on my way over here, I stepped in gum…What is up with the universe?!
You mention my name, we'll never do business again. Up for shoelaces or a stick of gum.
The elevators started silently and stopped as silently, and the pretty girls who jockeyed them up and down did not chew gum until they were through working for the day.
Love is like chewing gum, a long time will be bland, bland that wanted to give up, regardless of where lost, would leave a difficult to erase the traces.
Wrigley's gum line is made up of its Cool Air, Doublemint, Extra, Juicy Fruit, TaTa and Wrigley's Coffee and Spearmint brands.
Self-interested drivers opting for the quickest route do not take into account their effect of lengthening others' journey times, and so can gum up a new shortcut.
In your stomach, the gum meets up with your digestive powerhouse: acid.
In your stomach, the gum meets up with your digestive powerhouse: acid.