The movable type printing, the compass (指南针) , gun powder and the paper making are called four great inventions of China.
Desiccant dust particles would with air pollution or gun powder coating.
Intermittant squeezing and releasing of a spray gun trigger. Can cause surging in the powder equipment.
Flexible tube used to convey either powder from hopper to gun or compressed air to gun.
A constriction in a powder pump that USES compressed air to lift and transport powder from feed system to the spray gun.
A powder gun that has a low voltage single supply to it, and steps up the current to high voltage via a cascade multiplier located in the gun barrel.
In powder coating process, compressed air the energy release of the expansion can ascend and fluidization powder, the powder pump out in from hopper and through the hose transported to the gun.
A powder container, typically cone shaped design to force powder by gravity to feed a gun or transfer system.
Conical shaped disc attached to the end of the powder gun to evenly distribute the powder in a 360o pattern. Used to shape and direct the powder pattern.
A plasma gun for spraying welding inside surface of deep hole with powder is designed and developed which has the property worked continuously at high temperature.
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the structure and functions of plasma powder surfacing gun with cathode powder feeding.
The paper also discusses the problem that the nozzle of new type gun was blockaded by powder during the surfacing process.
The micro-plasma spraying gun adopted unique passage and spraying nozzle structure and center axial to be sent the powder method.
Fluidized powder coating is applied to frames through an electrostatic gun, attracting the paint particles into every crevice.
Powder flame spray or spray fusing gun can be used with inert gas to feed powder with best coating effects and can also be used for spary of ceramic powder.
Conclusion: Sound wave and blast injury combined with gun-powder poisoning may cause severe tissue damage and some biochemical change. Using protective measures could reduce the injury and death rate.
Pre-splitting blasting experiments were carried out to obtain normal pre-splitting blasting parameters such as hole diameter, hole space, gun- powder charge line density, and uncoupling factor.
This paper deals with the forming technique of the oblate spherical powder and the feasibility of applying it to the large caliber gun propellant charge with high loading density.
The built-in high voltage static generator applies very light spraying gun (only 450g) with the electrical circuit imported from Germany and full stainless steel powder supply bucket.
The main products: high voltage static generator, spraying gun, high voltage module, stainless steel powder bucket, Vuncheri powder pump, filter cylinder and pulsation valve.
The main products: high voltage static generator, spraying gun, high voltage module, stainless steel powder bucket, Vuncheri powder pump, filter cylinder and pulsation valve.