These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the human gut microbiota.
Another aspect of the study suggests the company you keep may also enrich your gut microbiota - at least in mice.
But a new study in mice and people adds to evidence that suggests you can take steps to enrich your gut microbiota.
It has been shown that the symbiotic gut microbiota in wood-feeding lower termites plays an important role in the digestion of different plant components.
Abstract: the gut microbiota form a symbiotic relationship in human and animals, which keep the gut and the host healthy as well as cause potential damage.
Abstract: the gut microbiota form a symbiotic relationship in human and animals, which keep the gut and the host healthy as well as cause potential damage.
Researchers started with mice that were specially bred to be germ-free - with no gut microbiota of their own - and to be able to nurture human gut microbiota instead.
Microbes are ubiquitously distributed in nature, and recent culture-independent studies have highlighted the significance of gut microbiota in human health and disease.
Gut microbiota colonizing in the human intestinal tract form a mutual symbiotic relationship with the host and play an important role in the metabolism and immune regulation of the host.
In recent years, we have begun to obtain a comprehensive picture of the composition of the human-associated microbiota in various niches, including the gut, skin and oral cavity.
An earlier Jeffery study showed that microbiota are capable of releasing sulforaphane in the lower gut, but absorption happens more slowly in the colon than in the upper intestine, she said.
Yeasts are hypothesized to alter the intestinal microbiota in the pig by interacting with potential pathogens in the gut.
Such findings complement ongoing research studies on the relationship between the microbiota and the gut-brain axis conducted in both animals and humans by many researchers at the moment.
Such findings complement ongoing research studies on the relationship between the microbiota and the gut-brain axis conducted in both animals and humans by many researchers at the moment.