Saying "Goodbye" to mom and then "Guten tag" to your teacher, or managing to ask for a crayola roja instead of a red crayon, requires skills called "inhibition" and "task switching".
道别时对妈妈说 “Goodbye”,对老师说 “Guten tag”,或者要红色蜡笔时不说 “red crayon”,而说 “crayolaroja”,这都需要调动“约束任务”和“切换任务”的技能。
Saying "Goodbye" to mom and then "Guten tag" to your teacher, or managing to ask for a crayola roja instead of a red crayon, requires skills called "inhibition" and "task switching".
道别时对妈妈说 “Goodbye”,对老师说 “Guten tag”,或者要红色蜡笔时不说 “red crayon”,而说 “crayolaroja”,这都需要调动“约束任务”和“切换任务”的技能。