His principal object must be to discover the number of the hackney coach which took them from Clapham.
Dahlmann, in the hackney coach which bore them away, thought that he would, at last, be able to sleep in a room different from his own.
Running downstairs again as fast as she had run up, Miss Tox got the party out of the hackney coach, and soon returned with it under convoy.
Oh! But their removing from the chaise into a hackney coach is such a presumption! And, besides, no traces of them were to be found on the Barnet road.
Oh! But their removing from the chaise into an hackney coach is such a presumption! And, besides, no traces of them were to be found on the Barnet road.
Reality favors symmetries and slight anachronisms: Dahlmann had arrived at the sanitarium in a hackney coach and now a hackney coach was to take him to the Constitucion station.
Two minutes later, he was sitting in a hackney-coach and driving to Frederickshafen.
The hackney-coach rolled along the trees of the Champs-Elysees. The bust of the driver, whip in hand, could be seen moving along above the parapet.
One of the secret instructions of the police authorities to their agents contains this article: "Always have on hand a hackney-coach, in case of emergency."
Turning quickly in his surprise, he saw that a hackney-coach, going in the contrary direction, had stopped at no great distance;
Turning quickly in his surprise, he saw that a hackney-coach, going in the contrary direction, had stopped at no great distance;