Damage starch had negative correlation with flour falling number.
Mental belief or national and social belief had positive correlation and material belief or religious belief had negative correlation with social stability consciousness.
The differences between total phenols and starch, nicotine were significant at 1%, 5% level, and total phenols had negative correlation with total nitrogen and potassium.
In the female osteoarthritis patients, the serum testosterone level had negative correlation with the ISOA, the severe degree score of the X-ray manifestation and the symptomatic score of TCM.
In addition, the carbon price, discount rate and timber price had negative correlations with the optimal rotation of carbon sequestration forests, while the labor price had a positive correlation.
The achievement motivation and the drive of seeking success had negative correlation with the fear of success, and the motivation of avoiding failure had positive correlation with the fear of success.
Explanatory style had a significant positive correlation with depression, a significant negative correlation with optimism and satisfaction with life.
Perceived organizational support had a significantly negative correlation with job rotation and job-quitting intention, and only job-quitting intention was negatively predicted by POS.
In this study we found the degree of anger and perceived hurt had significant positive correlation, but both had significant negative correlation with the degree of forgiveness.
The upright cup and the DMPC methods were very highly correlated, the desiccant inverted cup method and the sweating hot plate method had a fine negative correlation coefficient.
At each growth stage, tiller height had a significant positive correlation with spike biomass, but a negative correlation with reproductive allocation.
CAT activity and irradiation dosage had significant positive correlation, dissoluble sugar and irradiation dosage had significant negative correlation.
The result showed that the effective ear was correlated with the actual kernel and the essential seedling, while negative correlation had been observed between the actual kernel and the effective ear.
Results: (1) Both type a personality and locus of control had significant negative correlation with job satisfaction and mental health.
The allele I of MCW0068 had a significantly negative correlation with shell strength.
说明等位基因I 可能与蛋壳强度存在显著负相关。
The dynamic expressions of PTEN in liver tissues had a significant negative correlation with the activation and proliferation of HSC.
The sifting ratio of flour was related to the sifting time, presented a negative correlation to flour particle size and had a relatively lower relationship to flour content of the ground stock.
Selenium in blood had a positive correlation with cholesterin in plasma and hemoglobin. Urinary selenium had a negative correlation with globulin in plasma.
It was also showed that the nitrogen content in rice grain had very significantly negative correlation with NHI, NDMPE, and NGPE, while had no significant correlation with hi.
The angle formed by water level and track suspended settling of snail had positive correlation with water velocity and negative with snail size.
The effective chlorine level had a negative correlation with the storage time, use time, use frequency, and manufacture date.
The available-B of soil had negative with TSS in fruit, and other nutrition had no significant correlation with fruit quality.
Commodities in general have had a negative correlation with the dollar, providing currency diversification as well.
Conclusion It suggested that there was positive correlation between serum leptin level and the physieal development in prematurities and diseases had negative influences to the leptin levels.
Conclusion It suggested that there was positive correlation between serum leptin level and the physieal development in prematurities and diseases had negative influences to the leptin levels.