The results indicated that thinning based on small DBH had positive effect on stand distribution.
India monsoon and south sea of China monsoon had positive effect on the rainy season onset time in Yunnan.
Applying sludge had positive effect on improving the quality of peanut, keeping and improving soil fertility.
Conclusion: The declining price policy for pharmaceuticals had positive effect on its quantity and expenditure.
Conclusion: acupuncture therapy had positive effect but had some problem needed to solve in evaluation standard of...
Conclusion 75% ethanol extracts of Schisandrae Sphenantherae had positive effect on proliferation and differentiation of rat osteoblasts in vitro.
Chinese herbal prescriptions had the function to relieve weightlessness osteoporosis, and had positive effect on calcium distribution with weightlessness.
Transgenic insect-resistance hybrid poplar 741 had negative effect on target and non-target phytophagous pests, but had positive effect on natural enemies and neutral arthropod.
Conclusion Healthy education and work-amuse treatment could improve the negative affection and solidify the treatment effect, so they had positive effects to the coming back to the society.
UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect, unlike pay rises or promotions, which only provided a short-term boost.
The Association also said making the film had a very positive effect in getting staff to work together more closely.
White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had a lasting positive effect on people's sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time.
Managers can then make changes according to reasoning and advice and then assess whether later panel manipulation has had a positive effect or not.
Two years into the deepest recession in seven decades, there are signs that market Darwinism has had an unexpectedly positive effect on the business.
It's hard to think of a business that's had a more positive effect for customers than the PC business.
The results show that patients who lost weight after nine weeks on the low energy diet maintained this after a year and this had a positive effect on their sleep apnea.
Results showed that power sharing had positive main effect on psychological empowerment and this effect was enhanced by management control.
The clerk had a positive and negative effect on the development of the society in Han Dynasty .
The effect of electrostatic force of the drive voltage on the accelerometer had been researched when the bias voltage polarity is positive-negative configuration.
It is known that when CB1 comes into contact with cannabis it has an impact on bone regeneration, but until now it was not clear whether the drug had a positive or negative effect.
The finding that valsartan failed to have an effect on either of the cardiovascular-disease outcomes but had a positive effect on the incidence of diabetes is surprising.
If such teams were allowed in at least some chess tournaments, it could have the positive effect on IA research that allowing computers in tournaments had for the corresponding niche in AI.
The Indian nationalistic movement embodied the negative and the positive double effect came from this conception which had hazard about the creation of the modern Indian nation.
Blood analyses showed that that the tomatoes with increased flavonoids had a stronger positive effect on blood properties that are characteristic of a reduced risk of cardiovascular disorders.
As Magnum turned ten, we paid tribute to the astonishing effect he has already had on the Arabian breed and the people who love it, touching so many lives in a powerful, positive way.
The results shows that the stress-strain curves of the composites were nonlinear and the hybrid fiber composites had a positive hybrid effect when the brittle matrix was used.
We know through experiment that, using the copper slag as heat-carrying agent and carrying the steam had a positive effect on gas production's quality.
We know through experiment that, using the copper slag as heat-carrying agent and carrying the steam had a positive effect on gas production's quality.