The eligible rate in different types of products had statistical significance(P<0.01).
Results No pressure ulcer was found on high-risky part of their bodies in both groups and the effect of prevention had statistical significance.
The primary recurrence rates in positive and negative surgical margin were 34.8% and 6.1%, respectively, which had statistical significance (P< 0.05).
The level of LYM in RSA after being treated group was higher than in threatened abortion group, and the difference had statistical significance(P< 0.05).
RSA治疗后组的LYM水平显著高于先兆流产组,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05);
The positive rate of cross antibody also had statistical significance, and the highest was Xiangtan county (80.39%) and the lowest was Nanxian county (36.17%).
The differences of 5-year survival rate between the post-operative comprehensive treatment group and only operation group had statistical significance (P<0.05).
The difference had statistical significance(P<0.01). Conclusion The level of PRA and ALD in diagnosing malignant hypertensive arteriolar nephrosclerosis has positive significance.
The scores of all items except the fifth one( what's the abnormal phenomina before earthquake) were increased after the intervention, and the difference had statistical significance.
Result the flora number in air before and after ultraviolet disinfection had statistical significance, while the flora number in the surface of air-condition's filter had no statistical significance.
Meta analysis of all the clinical trials about GIK came to the conclusion that GIK had reduced AMI mortality by 18% that was only critical statistical significance.
Vegetables, too, apparently had a protective effect, but this didn't reach significance from a statistical standpoint.
The differences of two groups of operation time, length of hospital stay had no statistical significance(P>0.05).
More patients with LRTIOP (4.2%) had concurrent diarrhoea due to Clostridium difficile compared to patients with pneumonia (2.4%), but this did not reach statistical significance.
Results compared with that in the normal group, the coagulation index in pregnancy induced hypertension group at mid pregnancy had no statistical significance(P>0.05);
But difference in the rate of postoperative incision infection had no statistical significance.
Those who ate the most soy also had a 17 percent reduced risk of death from all causes during the follow-up, but that finding did not reach statistical significance, Shu said.
The results of nitrogen fertilizer residual effect under conventional and hole-source pattern showed that there had no significance difference on statistical analysis .
Comparing the complication rate in the two groups, the difference had no statistical significance.
Comparing the complication rate in the two groups, the difference had no statistical significance.