Ten years ago, I spent three weeks at a summer camp and had the best time of my life.
By comparing with those who didn't shop regularly, they found that older men who often went out to the shop had the best life record, with 28% down in their chances of dying, while older women saw a bit fewer advantages with 23% down in dying.
West Virginia had the best showing with a 2.1% increase.
We've published more than 2800 magazines in our 55-year history - which one had the best cover?
These were the women who had the best chance of receiving an introductory E-mail from a man.
In Sweden, which had the best health care, most women (68 per cent) preferred feminine looking men.
The wife later told Orbuch that she felt better about her body, was aroused and “had the best week.”
Until the 10-meter Keck 1 was built in 1993, the Hale telescope had the best resolving power in the world.
Phillips said her husband "has had the best and the worst day of his life within such a short space of time."
During my party, I had the best time ever! I enjoyed the company of my friends and family, and I was truly happy.
The iPhone 4 won in most of our scientific tests and also had the best performance overall in our real-world tests.
Soyuz commander Dmitry Kondratyev asked Nespoli, who had the best view in the Soyuz upper portion: "Is it beautiful?"
I had the best treatment money could buy, was seen by the best doctors and a top specialist and am on the road to recovery.
We just knew that the Jordan's had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.
"It's the type of business that puts smiles on people's faces, " du Pied says. "They come back and say, 'We had the best ride!'"
Today, I spent an hour with a stranger, said nothing, and walked away feeling like I just had the best conversation ever. MMT.
As the chart below shows, Sprint had the best download bandwidth in four of the eight cities and was highly competitive in the other four.
At the user count values of approximately 325 (for example, more than 300 and less than 350) and below, system 704 had the best system performance.
We had the best choir in the area and there were also several rock strata visible on the walls which made teaching geology far more interesting.
The inflexible men were more economical than the women, and for both men and women, those with the tightest hamstrings had the best running economy.
For my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, our family went to Ireland to discover our roots and had the best sleep of our lives in a little town in County Sligo.
After one such evening, she tells her mother she had the best night of her life. She says it matter-of-factly, the way an intelligent teenager might if it were true.
Although, they had the best record in the league this year, a lot of people like, 'Okay, they havin' a great year, but we don't know if they can win the championship. '.
With matte painters creating magnificent vistas of the ice Planet, and the best modelers in the world generating the Enterprise and those alien creatures, they had the best chance of success.
A ‘bitterly disappointed’ and visibly furious Mr Cameron said England had the best technical bid and what he believed was the strongest commercial bid, adding: ‘It turns out that’s not enough.’
The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things.
The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things.