Today people rush to have their hair cut, especially have their children's hair cut on the Dragon Head-raising Festival.
Many other creatures get goose bumps for the same reason, for example this is why a cat or dog's hair stands on end and the cause behind a porcupine's quills raising.
From a run-down old storefront came a hair-raising shriek followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground.
For an instant, I felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on my arms.
But a hair-raising experience in the Cardamom Mountains is a more extreme option for those who want to see Cambodia under their own steam.
Although nerves have settled a bit after a few hair-raising weeks, the red ink on Wall Street will keep flowing.
On this reading, it was designed to demonstrate the scope of the murderers and to send a hair-raising message to Litvinenko's friends in London, and perhaps also to his perfidious British hosts.
A long high-speed straight, ridiculously fast turns and hair-raising elevation changes provide lots of excitement for riders and spectators like.
In Africa and parts of Latin America predictions are just as hair-raising.
The 12-minute compilation starts with booming drums, then cycles quickly through a series of hair-raising accidents captured by 108 city cameras.
The hair styling product that goes by the name Brazilian Blowout is raising safety concerns.
由Brazilian Blowout名字命名的秀发定型产品的安全问题正是个大家关注的焦点。
With its eight hairpin turns negotiating a hair-raising 31.5 per cent gradient, San Francisco's Lombard Street is one of the toughest tests drivers can face.
八个U型急转弯道(hairpin,又称发夹弯道),同时31.5%的路面坡度令人毛骨悚然,旧金山伦巴第街(Lombard Street,又称九曲花街)是汽车测试最为困难的路段之一。
His target audience is "people getting their first full-time job and the big, hair-raising, annoying responsibilities."
After a three-day siege, the hair-raising showdown on Nov. 29 led to the death of the remaining militants, albeit at significant human cost.
The journalists dug up some hair-raising facts about the company.
Once he piloted my wife Nancy and me in his helicopter on a hair-raising ride at treetop level.
After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.
My daughter and her boyfriend had a hair-raising time hiking in the mountains — they met a black bear with her cub.
Jiancang time for robbery, more than the Olympic Games after a new hair-raising fund-raising end of the schedule.
This is exactly the kind of hair-raising scenario I imagined when my daughter went travelling - although she assured me she wore full leathers, a crash helmet and never went above 25mph.
In this sometimes hair-raising account, weexplore some of the most fascinating facts in thestudy of human hair.
This is the key to understanding the day ahead, Leo. True, you can expect some hair-raising encounters, but how better to show off your skills as either an employee or passionate partner?
This is the key to understanding the day ahead, Leo. True, you can expect some hair-raising encounters, but how better to show off your skills as either an employee or passionate partner?