Baby ball pythons will feed readily on half-grown mice.
The crowd, which had been thin for the first half of the race, had now grown considerably.
Since 1951 the proportion of married women who work has grown from just over a fifth to a half.
The IMFsaid that the global economy had grown faster than expected in the first half of 2010 and predicted that it would grow by 4.8% over the year as a whole.
In the past decade alone, average monthly wages have grown more than fivefold. Unemployment is down by half and is lower than the rates in the United States, Britain, France and Germany.
Researchers beg an restricting half the monkeys' diets, reducing their calories by 30%, when the monkeys were fully grown, or about 10 years old.
The IMF said that the global economy had grown faster than expected in the first half of 2010 and predicted that it would grow by 4.8% over the year as a whole.
国际货币基金组织表示,2010年上半年的全球经济增长速度超出预期并预测全年经济增长将达4.8%。 (原译有点问题,这样是不是更好呢?)
Two and a half years later, my beautiful, quixotic son had grown into a devilish handful.
The trees in fact concealed an ancient chalk quarry, now half over?grown with thorn trees and vines.
A half-orphan, she had grown up without a mother's care; and indeed, it was all too evident that she was going into matrimony without any preparation whatsoever.
But on this visit the unnamed sitter looked only half-familiar, like a friend who, since the last meeting, had aged or grown.
Services, which contribute more than half of GDP, have grown fastest, above all India's computer-services companies.
FishEye shows us the number of lines of code has steadily grown to more than half a million over the past 2 and half years.
Unlike the power station's emissions, though, those of the health service have been increasing: they have grown by half since 1990.
Despite many warnings of doom, yields of arable crops have grown remarkably in the past half-century.
And rich women are getting richer, too: over the decade the average worth of female millionaires has grown by more than half.
Ten years ago there were 64. And rich women are getting richer, too: over the decade the average worth of female millionaires has grown by more than half.
Catherine's, the middle one, is old now, and half buried in plants which have grown over it.
Natasha, half grown up, half a child, at one time childishly absurd, and at another fascinating with the charm of a young girl.
Half way up, Cottontail was sitting in her doorway, with four or five half grown little rabbits playing about her; one black and the others brown.
Income taxes, mainly on the richest Californians, have during that time grown from 10% of total revenues to more than half, making state revenues highly volatile.
Figure 1. A selection of half boules grown by the Verneuil process, illustrating many of the colors these crystals are grown in.
Kidman: I'm five ten and a half, but I think now maybe I've grown half an inch and I'm five eleven.
Only half of the Netherlands'potato crop is grown directly for food - around 20 percent is seed potatoes, and the remaining 30 percent is processed for starch.
In the past two and a half years our business has grown quickly on a national basis and we have recruited up to 3000 staff locally.
Rakharo had grown almost half a foot during his time away from Meereen and returned with arms and legs thick with muscle and four bells in his hair.
Although I was born and grown up in an inland city, I have an indescribable emotion for the sea, because a half of the blood in my body is Wenzhou origin.
Over almost a century and a half, Brooks England has grown from a small workshop to a byword in quality craftsmanship.
Over almost a century and a half, Brooks England has grown from a small workshop to a byword in quality craftsmanship.