The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change.
If I doubled the area of the sheet, the stack would only compress by half as much.
In El Salvador the poor are eating only half as much food as they were a year ago.
Yet Japan spends about half as much on health care per capita as the United States.
Modern jets burn only half as much fuel per unit of thrust as their 1960s counterparts.
They put in 2, 200 hours of work a year, half as much again as the Dutch or Germans.
They now use about half as much water per gallon of ethanol as they did a decade ago.
After all, if all of us ate half as much meat, it would be like half of us were vegetarians.
Why should children do half as much work and get twice as much holiday as their parents?
Suddenly, you're looking at nearly half as much sugar and a far more digestible 270 calories.
But even fully loaded, says Mr. Dietrich, it still weighs about half as much as an average car.
Reserves are low: state rainy-day funds have about half as much cash as they did in fiscal 2006.
All of this can be done, Mr Heydon believes, for about half as much as opening a new landbased mine.
All of this can be done, Mr Heydon believes, for about half as much as opening a new land-based mine.
Mr Irwin reckons that the Tariff Act raised duties by 20%; deflation accounted for half as much again.
Blacks earn about half as much as whites, and have five years of education, compared with whites' eight.
But that is still less than half as much as the rise in food production in the 44 years from 1962 to 2006.
但这仍不到1962 - 2006年44年间粮食生产增长的一半。
Could she have seen half as much love in Mr. Darcy for herself, she would have ordered her wedding clothes.
The reason for this rigmarol is that carbon-fibre body parts are stronger than steel but weigh half as much.
That's about half as much as humans have already added through burning fossil fuels over the last 200 years.
Rich countries use less than half as much oil as they did in 1970 for each inflation-adjusted dollar of GDP.
By 2011 it expects to produce 77m tonnes a year, providing half as much energy as Saudi Arabia's oil output.
The British Library estimates that it costs half as much to store a digital document as it does a physical one.
You get a good sampling at lunch, the same quality and some of the same items, for sometimes half as much as dinner.
Roughly speaking, it costs less than half as much to travel today and nearly three times as many people are traveling.
Hence the scramble—not quite the scramble for Africa, an area of 30m square kilometres, but a scramble for half as much.
This doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot on clothes. One great rule to follow is “spend twice as much, buy half as much”.
The process, which USES water and a special organic compound, costs about half as much as existing carbon capture methods.
The process, which USES water and a special organic compound, costs about half as much as existing carbon capture methods.