India saw its shares of Fab 50 companies fall by more than half to seven firms this year, from 16 previously.
But finer materials such as compost should only be two and a half to seven and a half centimeters high.
India saw its share of Fab 50 companies fall by more than half to seven firms this year, from 16 previously.
This amazing bed can be elevated on one half to seven degrees in the event the user is snoring and then return him to the original position once the snoring stops.
He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours.
Seven is unique in one detail of its construction; it brings the killer onscreen with half an hour to go and gives him a speaking role.
It's half past seven on Monday morning: time to get ready for school.
For a long time it was believed that it was impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.
Those ages 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a half hours a day with such devices, compared with less than six and a half hours five years ago, when the study was last conducted.
"Seven"is unique in one detail of its construction; it brings the killer onscreen with half an hour to go, and gives him a speaking role.
All seven, Mr Spicer insists, will suffer the prescribed penalty: losing half their delegates at the convention, which is to be held, embarrassingly enough, in Florida.
"Madonna and Guy Ritchie have agreed to divorce after seven and a half years of marriage, their representatives confirmed today," a spokeswoman said in a statement.
However, in a place where the villagers rarely visit the doctor, they all thought I was insane for taking seven puppies an hour-and-a-half away to see a vet.
In my dad's last telephone call to me, he repeated that line seven times in a half hour.
If other crises of the past half-century are any guide, America's consumers will spend the next six or seven years reducing their debt to more manageable levels, reckons the McKinsey Global Institute.
Since 2003 the median age of a prime-time CBS viewer has increased by three years, according to Nielsen, a research firm. Viewers of ABC and NBC are five years older; Fox's, seven and a half.
But if even half of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets were to melt, sea levels would rise by six or seven metres, flooding many of the world's big cities, and the outlook is discouraging.
但是,即使只有南极洲西部和格陵兰岛大冰原的一半融化的话,海平面就会上升6 -7米,世界上的许多大城市都会被淹没,前景令人沮丧。
Mice were studied over seven weeks, with half exposed to smoke from four cigarettes a day for six days a week while the other half smoke free.
However, the new drug, Xyrem puts Claire into a deep sleep for three-and-a-half hours so she must take a second dose in the middle of the night to get a full seven hours sleep.
According to IMS Health, another consultancy, the seven biggest emerging markets will account for more than half of the industry's total sales growth this year.
Of the 25 to 35 pounds of weight that you gain during pregnancy, only about seven and a half pounds will actually be your baby.
It is about two and a half times nearer to the sun than our earth, therefore it receives nearly seven times as much light.
它与太阳的距离与地球相比,大约是1:2 .5,因此,水星受到太阳照射的强度大约是地球的7倍。
At six to seven years old more than half of the children were evaluated for their sensitivity to common allergens such as dust mites, ragweed and cats.
Two-and-a-half times more likely to report being unhappy at school and twice as likely to report being bullied at the age of seven.
About half an hour later, both groups were asked to rate the attractiveness of 20 male and 20 female faces on a seven-point scale.
Since 1980, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people employed in finance, broadly defined, has shot up from roughly five million to more than seven and a half million.
I thought it was going to take me between six and nine months to get the job done. It took seven and a half years and was finally published by Prentice Hall in 1990.
I thought it was going to take me between six and nine months to get the job done. It took seven and a half years and was finally published by Prentice Hall in 1990.