When the operation was concluded, and Edmond felt that his chin was completely smooth, and his hair reduced to its usual length, he asked for a hand-glass.
He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.
In the bathroom, I discovered a pair of hand-blown glass bottles used for storing antibiotic pills and antiseptic.
I was sitting on a beach, a smoky grilled oyster in one hand, a glass of muscadet in the other.
Esme was already moving; her hand touched an inconspicuous keypad on the wall, and with a groan, huge metal shutters began sealing up the glass wall.
I took her hand in mine, and bid her be composed: for a succession of shudders convulsed her frame, and she would keep straining her gaze towards the glass.
The warriors carry long, ash spears tipped with hand-shaped flints as sharp as shards of broken glass, and blunt-headed stone clubs hanging from loops on broad oxhide belts.
But as the gruesome rains came — bits of plane, a tire, office furniture, glass, a hand, a leg, whole bodies, began falling all around — people in the streets all stopped and looked, and fell silent.
roight ahead!‘ in your worst Irish accent and then smack the glass out of her hand so it smashes on the floor.
000 hand-cut glass panels create a soaring glimmer in the sunshine, while inside there are plush offices, l uxurious apartments and soon, an Armani-branded hotel.
On hearing what I said, he shaked his hand and some wine swashed out of the glass.
How about a night in a charming converted windmill on the island of Milos, watching the sunset over the sea, with a glass of retsina in hand and a plate of olives on the table?
She took an exit ramp and stopped, and when he pulled up behind her, she got out of her car to yell at him, shaking a glass Perrier bottle in her hand.
Today, he employs about 3,000 'benders,' who spend three months learning how to hand-shape the glass into spirals.
Today, he employs about 3, 000 'benders,' who spend three months learning how to hand-shape the glass into spirals.
I muttered, knocking my knuckles through the glass, and stretching an arm out to seize the branch; instead of which, my fingers closed on the fingers of a little, ice-cold hand!
She then separates out the whites, drops each one into a glass of water, seals the rim with her hand, and inverts it.
Tip: to determine your true shape, pull your hair off your forehead with one hand, look into a mirror and trace the outline of your face on the glass with lipstick.
The glass sphere that Christ holds in one hand may well prove the clinching evidence that a recently cleaned painting is a newly discovered work by none other than Leonardo da Vinci.
If you're circulating at a party, Dr. Rolls suggests keeping your glass in the hand you eat with.
Video on display shows Reagan heading a cabinet meeting with his hand perpetually dipping into a glass jelly bean jar.
When diving, they wear hand-carved wooden goggles with glass lenses, hunting with spear guns fashioned from boat timber, tyre rubber and scrap metal.
We were talking about what she had done in school and suddenly her little hand knocked over the full glass of chocolate milk by her plate.
When I cal- led for the first time at a house in Leinster Road sev- eral middle-aged women were playing cards and suggested my taking a hand and gave me a glass of sherry.
As I lifted my glass to join in a celebratory toast, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see the smiling face of my old buddy, Flaps.
At the stern the mysterious stranger was standing up looking towards the shore, and holding a spy-glass in his hand.
If you are drinking, be sure to hold your glass in the opposite hand from the one you shake with.
If you are drinking, be sure to hold your glass in the opposite hand from the one you shake with.