Recently, Sanchez bought a hand operated tool which pulls out weeds and loosen soil.
The hand tool additions encompass everything from tubing cutters to nut drivers.
"Now, when we imagine Lucy walking around the east African landscape looking for food, we can for the first time imagine her with a stone tool in hand looking for meat," said McPherron.
Likewise, small amount of data does not need a tool but can be migrated by hand.
If he started to fall asleep, the tool would fall from his hand. The string would pull his finger and wake him.
This tool fosters good communication between architects and designers on one hand and the development team on the other hand.
Instead, its leaders have attacked the tribunal with growing vigour, accusing it of being an American tool and of ignoring purported evidence of Israel's hand in the killings.
The pan tool is represented by the hand icon and allows you to pan through the data in the graph, moving left or right.
A skilled woodworker knows which tool to select for the job at hand.
I guess it's not macho enough, John, to just, you know, you know, go off and do things by hand, you ought to just run them, but it's a valuable tool to get into, so let me do that here.
We had everything in hand to implement it: a full Windows environment for all our servers and a Web development tool already in use for internal developments (ColdFusion).
Once you have the Functional Tester tool in hand, the fun of creating a reusable framework can start.
The other end of the string was tied to a heavy aircraft tool. He held the tool in his hand.
Given the long and rich history of UNIX, chances are your system has just the right tool for the task at hand.
You should, however, always use the right tool for the job at hand; knowing more about these two tools will definitely help you pick the right technology for your next project.
The campaign celebrates its second year with the launch of the "hand hygiene Self-Assessment Framework," a tool to analyse hand hygiene promotion and practices within clinics and hospitals.
The bottom line is that there are many tools available, and developers should choose the best tool for the job at hand.
If you are not using a modeling tool, your realization may be a desk drawer containing hand-drawn models or photographs of whiteboard models.
In body size and limb proportions it was much like modern people. Its stone-tool culture, known as the Acheulean, was typified in most regions by big, symmetrical hand axes.
A common implementation would be a GUI tool that has a tree on the left-hand side showing the artifact contents, with some panels on the right displaying more detail.
RNA interference gives researchers a new tool for understanding how living things grow--how a plant assumes a particular shape, for example, or how a baby's hand forms during gestation.
Previous research has also shown that the brain starts to incorporate a hand-held tool, such as a hammer, as part of its body schema.
On the other hand, fMRI has become a well-accepted and oft-used tool for brain researchers over the last decade.
Also keep in mind you can hold the Space Bar or the Scroll Wheel button if you have one on your mouse to enable the Hand Tool as well.
The four-in-hand, the forerunner of the tie, appeared in Britain in about 1860 (like the suit) and was the social-networking tool of its day.
Nonstandard or custom controls, on the other hand, are more difficult to automate with any GUI automation tool, including the Rational Functional Tester.
另一方面,任何GUI自动化工具都很难实现非标准的或定制控件的自动化,包括RationalFunctional Tester。
On the other hand, to run the tool from an operating system command prompt, merely execute the command db2pd, followed by one or more of the options supported.
The TurboGears admin tool, on the other hand, focuses on developers by giving them a set of design tools along with a basic database viewer and editor.
Next, I'll show two illustrations of technical debt: the first generated by hand and the second using a tool called Sonar.
Next, I'll show two illustrations of technical debt: the first generated by hand and the second using a tool called Sonar.