Hand-wringing in Washington quickly followed.
''Lots of hand-wringing over the online games market in 2011.
The men's national and Olympic teams are the objects of scorn, shame and much hand-wringing.
In fact, much of the recent hand-wringing about widening inequality is based on sloppy thinking.
Cal: With all the hand-wringing about the swelling US deficit, you'd think Washington would get the message.
There has been much hand-wringing over the state of America's capital markets and their ability to help businesses grow.
This is not a public issue, with hand-wringing and loud wailing, but rather a matter the human incarnated suffers silently.
Cold winter, the hand-wringing, can help women in the winter to promote blood circulation and metabolism, prevent colds do.
For all the hand-wringing about hedge funds and complicated derivatives, the real worry comes from a well-known source-the Banks.
Two attacks from China in 2008 will launch a national hand-wringing debate in Japan about the country's weak leadership in Asia.
And, despite China's hand-wringing over the economy, that largely means the return of Asian oil demand. As Barclays Capital notes today.
There was much hand-wringing in Israel over the president’s call for a two-state solution based on “the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.”
奥巴马呼吁以巴根据1967年版的拟定国界与双方互可的交换办法,解决两国问题。 以往以色列国内便就此方案有诸多争拗。
Yet all the hand-wringing over Crystal's appeal suggests a different question: What if the Oscars chose the actor not in spite of his age but because of it?
The global spread of English, with its sometimes corrosive effects on local languages, has caused much hand-wringing in many non-English-speaking corners of the world.
But this research highlights a truth often forgotten in the hand-wringing about the downturn: everyone has their own experience of a recession. Some do badly and others do very well indeed.
Here's a tip that may save you some hand wringing: there is no "incorrect" choice at any of the story-path branches.
I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand.
I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand.