In any case, a start-date extension is something to request after you've got the offer in hand, not before.
On the other hand, Type 2 applications only use the pre-defined reply queue, and have an attribute (s) in the request and response messages that can be used to correlate them.
This sends the request to the service and displays the resulting SOAP response in the right-hand pane.
On the other hand, if she is shy, or believes that nobody will want to be seen in public with her, then her reduced confidence will mean that she will mess up her request for a date.
Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, "Go home in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request."
I did as requested. As he took the cup from my hand, Adele, thinking the moment propitious for making a request in my favour, cried out.
In accordance with your request, we hand you herewith a statement of your account, which we hope you will find correct.
If, on the other hand, the content is not in the cache or the cache entry has expired, then the edge server makes a request to the origin server to retrieve the information.
Captain John Terry has dismissed Suggestions that he was ready to hand in a transfer request as "ludicrous" and insists he is ready to sort out a new long-term contract with Chelsea.
We request you to hand us the three pumps described in detail in ours of the 5th inst., at the prices fixed in your letter.
She is expected to hand in her request no later than Wednesday.
By couching wishes in the form of a request, on the other hand, a speaker implies that if the request is not carried out, only the speaker will suffer: noncompliance cannot harm the addressee.
By couching wishes in the form of a request, on the other hand, a speaker implies that if the request is not carried out, only the speaker will suffer: noncompliance cannot harm the addressee.