"How easy that was," said the boy as he moved his hand off the jar.
Then she touched my forehead, "You got no fever." I moved her hand off my head.
We try to use open source tools as much as possible because of hand off to the clients.
There's a thief hanging on the gallows out there, and I'll cut his hand off; which hand was it?
我想办法帮你渡过难关。外面绞刑架上吊着一个小偷。我去把他的手切下来。哪只手呢? “ ”?
If someone had offered me that at the start of the season, I'd have snapped their hand off.
When I need to hand off projects to them, I just need to send him and he'll redirect to the assigned PM.
This was an important consideration, because we needed to hand off the eventual administration of the site.
It was a chance to meet people, hand off my resume, and hope they would remember my face if an opening came up.
I would, Harold, except you're not the only one with homework to grade. Got to hand off to the night crew.
At the art museum the sign "Hand off" was displayed before the statue of Venus. It was very easy to notice.
It will be even trickier when you have to change lanes and hand off control to the computer at the same time.
He takes one hand off the steering wheel and touches the long welt where my forehead bounced off the steering wheel.
Before you? Ve managed to literally pull the lower hand off the hold, you haven? T tried how much power you can apply to it.
For example, we could hand off the scaffolding-based prototype to a product manager, who could then explore the application.
This allows the design of an application to focus on the component parts, and hand off messages to the communication layer for delivery.
Another trick is to hand off the work of speech recognition to a powerful remote computer, rather than relying on the processing power of a small portable device.
Sam was not aboard, but his younger brother, Henry, was-serving as a "mud clerk," or boy who would go ashore, often at a mud bank, to receive or hand off freight.
This way, when a user visits /Products/, IIS will inspect the directory, see that there exists a file named Default.aspx, and then hand off processing to the ASP.NET engine.
这样,当用户访问 /Products/ 时,IIS将检测目录,查看是否存在一个名为 Default.aspx 的文件,然后将处理过程传递给 ASP.NET引擎。
But the customer took four hours to locate, extract, interpolate, and manipulate that data into a form they could hand off to a different task team who actually tunes the server.
BlockingQueue neatly solves the problem of how to "hand off" items gathered by one thread to another thread for processing, without explicit concern for synchronization issues.
With a pull parser, the code that handles one part of the document can parse only as much as it needs and then hand off the parser to whatever comes next in the document processing.
One analogy for this relationship is that of a relay race, where the first runner represents requirements management and the next runner, receiving a baton hand off, represents test management.
The Gryphon taking Alice by the hand, it hurried off, without waiting for the end of the song.
Gil waved his hand and the car moved off.
She stood on the deck and waved her hand to them as the steamer moved off.
There was some fatal flaw in his makeup, and as time went on he lapsed into long silences or became off-hand.
On the right side of that circle—you can see that the footpath goes off in an easterly direction—heading towards the right-hand side of the plan.
In the star war movies, Darth Vader webs out his life server and slices off the hand of Luke Skywalker.
In the star war movies, Darth Vader webs out his life server and slices off the hand of Luke Skywalker.