Perhaps Mr Bell had the same thing on his mind: he usually introduced Jim Skinner, the 60-year-old vice-chairman, to visitors as the "steady hand at the wheel".
Dichotic listening research makes use of the generally established fact that anything experienced on the right-hand side of the body is processed in the left hemisphere of the brain, and vice versa.
In general, for layouts with horizontally scrolling components, place action controls on left or right hand side and vice versa for vertically scrolling components.
Wrapping your right leg over your left hand, or vice versa, a static way to make long reaches.
The latest machine is "another step on the never-ending journey to apply more computer power to the problems at hand, " said Dave Turek, IBM's vice-president for supercomputing.
The vice jaw on the flat hook at the front end of the hand handle bends inwards matching the relative flat hook.
The vice jaw on the flat hook at the front end of the hand handle bends inwards matching the relative flat hook.