She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather she could handle anything.
Although they can handle multiple screens, they do not do well with applications that start out in one place and then move to another.
This teaches them how to handle and recover from disappointment, which is associated with greater success and satisfaction academically, financially and in personal relationships.
When problems arose, she responded with her characteristic: "No problem, I can handle it."
To mathematicians, a chair is equivalent to an apple; a mug—at least, one with a handle—is like a doughnut.
People can't deal with this poem until they can get a handle on the fact that it doesn't rhyme.
By skill, I mean the tools to handle the studying and learning demands placed on you, like how to read with purpose, when and where to get assistance if you are having difficulty.
I was so impressed with the way you handle the microscope and the samples of onion cells, and with how carefully you observed and diagramed and interpreted each stage of cell division.
Rather than reassociating the connection handle with the managed connection the next time a method is called, the optimization uses lazy association.
For an open saucepan use the same movement, holding the handle with both hands, thumbs up.
You place the screwdriver blade on one side of the hex nut and tap the screwdriver's handle with the hammer.
Over the last two years, the Handle with Care coalition campaign - led by WSPA - has successfully worked towards an end to the long distance transport of live animals.
So take what you can handle with a can-do attitude, but say nowhen you are swamped.
The translate method above uses the LTinterface object handle with which it is provided to perform a translation of the incoming preTranslation String.
Add a one-way operation called handle with an input parameter called input of type DelimitedFlatFile (Figure 9).
And my mama that just premier pass, also have my daddy old curio, extra tough handle with.
Quick-connect handle with integral locking mechanism secures any miniature probe handle in use.
Comfortable and easy to use, the strap has a handle with an adjustable buckle at each end. machine washable.
"Do you think that they can handle with me?" Yi snow irony of on smiling, these people was to underrate her too much.
On the outer packing, please mark wording, Handle with Care.
On the other cases you can find different care marks such as "Handle with care", " Don't drop", "Keep flat", "Use no hooks" and "This side up".
If finding problems, one should timely handle with.
It features a self-sharpening hardened steel blade, a cast metal handle with tension spring to secure in any position, and a safety guard rail with handle lock.
How to handle with breakage and packing: packing must be tight, and avoid getting damp.
Complicated service control process: the consideration of system architecture and design is to handle with the real-time service processes and to support many kinds of services.
Complicated service control process: the consideration of system architecture and design is to handle with the real-time service processes and to support many kinds of services.