The shipping and handling charge is $7 for all packages with volume larger than 9 and for packages with weight greater than 5.
所有体积超过9 的包裹和所有重量大于5 的包裹的运输和处理费用都为7 美元。
Using this approach, you system programming staff can be relieved of the burden of handling requests for non-production resources, and development charge backs can diminish significantly.
The retailer and/or the refund company may make a charge to cover the cost of handling your form. If they do, this will be deducted from your refund before you receive it.
In Figure 1, an if-then rule assigns a shipping and handling charge of 5 for packages that weigh between one and five pounds and have volume less than nine cubic feet.
在图1中,if - then规则将重量在1到5磅之间且体积小于9立方英寸的包裹的运输和处理费用指定为5。
So we have to find out the responsibility of those in charge of organising the festival and handling the crowd,” he said.
In addition, the bank handling the refinancing may charge higher fees of its own to compensate for the risk that the loan soon defaults and Fannie or Freddie insists it be bought back.
Our bank provides safekeeping service for the clients to keep documents of value, such as deposit certificate (bank book) and bonds, for which we charge some handling fee accordingly.
The combination of these different options creates three distinct claim handling charge calculation rules.
There may be a charge to cover the cost of handling your refund. This charge will be shown on your refund form.
TreeGrid is in charge of displaying the data and handling user events only.
Putting Groovy in charge of resource handling is extremely powerful.
The claim can be either subject to the flat handling charge, or loss conversion factor (LCF).
索赔可以依照统一比例的手续费,或者损失换算系数(loss conversion factors,LCF)。
That is the theory, yet McLeish is a hardy character and, after spending five years in charge of Rangers, is more than capable of handling any pressure that comes from above.
No, you may return it to any of our branches, but there will be a small charge for handling.
The management department in charge of keeping the distraint involved in cases work together with the department of handling cases to go through the relevant formalities of disposal.
The bank add on a5% handling charge for changing traveller's cheque.
I receive a letter about a handling charge for the transfer of funds for my rent.
CSDCCL shall take charge of handling the inquiries of shares relevant to assignment and the registration of assignment.
This is done only so that companies can charge a higher fee for handling more accounts.
It is shown that, as the gate length decreases, the gap width between the gates increases and the depth of the channel becomes shorter, the transmitted charge handling capacity will drop from 6.
You are in charge of handling will be past wisdom and rich people rack one's brains and god-given the major problem that its solve.
Charge transport of goods transport procedures, cargo handling agents, freight advisory information.
Static charge could be produced during the process of oil products handling in discharging quay.
Static charge could be produced during the process of oil products handling in discharging quay.