Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.
I definitely go for an eclectic style in my flat; I prefer things to loosely hang together rather than match perfectly.
It will also provide some validation that the basic structure of the flow will hang together. Here are some rules to follow.
So the new favicon is one of those, but we've also developed a group of logo-based ICONS that all hang together as a unified set.
Two things undermine the hope that the fractious Caucasians have finally learned to hang together, to their own benefit and that of Western energy consumers.
A new high frequency DCDC full-bridge power converter is presented, that the soft-switching, phase-shifted PWM and bi-directional DCDC converter hang together.
研究一种把软开关技术和移相pwm控制技术以及双向DC DC变换器技术有机结合在一起的新型高频DC DC开关功率全桥变换器。
Oil painters do exactly the same thing, oil is so good at running together and making rich textures that you have to figure out where to calm things down to make the image hang together.
Although I get on well with my colleagues, if you hang around together all the time you just end up talking shop.
Tie the laces together, stretch them between two tree trunks, tie them around and hang the plastic over, like a tent.
I feel happy when I hang out with my friends and do something together.
Some of my fondest memories are when I've put together a large group of friends and did nothing but hang out.
He knew everyone. We'd go out to the same restaurants and often hang out together in the same hotels.
Architectural styles are jumbled together with the aim of creating a festive, holiday atmosphere which people go to hang out in and end up spending money.
The image looks like a computer-generated joke, or maybe a snapshot from some parallel universe where the dead ICONS of the 20th century hang out together-even Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon.
Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle bells, in this romantic day, we together until the morning, to hang a bell every star.
For the kids, they like to hang out together and ask for candy from door to door.
I'm almost done cleaning my room, if you hang on, we can go to the mall together.
I've almost done cleaning my room. If you hang on, we can go to the mall together.
Africa, and a small number that live in the Gir Forest of Northwest India. Unlike a lot of cats, lions will hang out together.
Africa, and a small number that live in the Gir Forest of Northwest India. Unlike a lot of cats, lions will hang out together.