We say, "I love you" to our parents or significant other when we hang up the phone, not because we mean it, but out of habit.
If you are making a long distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.
You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc.
Most of it ends up unused, and there are far cheaper ways to hang up wet socks.
She calls Nina, but has to hang up when one of Gaines' thugs comes into the shed.
Then he hears someone hang up at the other end and he hangs up, too, almost by reflex.
They may have to hang up their ropes and carabiners and settle for rambles in the foothills.
She gives the name of the store where they are located but has to hang up when the guys approach.
She gives the name of the store where they are located, but has to hang up when the guys approach.
I thought she'd hang up, but I heard the click of a lighter and smoke rushing in through lips.
Others never hang up, thus turning a display in the kitchen into a window on somebody else's home.
But it seemed that the tone of her voice would change as soon as she saw him and she'd hang up soon after.
Realizing you were smiling the entire time you were talking to someone, right after you hang up the phone.
I tell Marla goodnight, and Marla's screaming is smaller, smaller, smaller, gone as I reach over and hang up the phone.
A long long time ago the roots of this word were Indo-European and meant "to put," or "to put up" or even "to hang up."
This keeps happening until eventually (still never having spoken to a tech-spert) you swear at the operator and they hang up.
You wouldn't debate with an angry toddler; instead, you isolate him until things cool down--so walk away or hang up the phone.
"They often cry over the news and then hang up on you," said Li, who recently spent two weeks talking a woman into letting go.
Our friends would bring their kids over to visit and we'd hang up their tiny coats, hoping some magic would rub off on our hands.
Or if they don’t have any sentimental value to me (I’d certainly hang up one of my father’s photographs or my mother’s paintings!)
I fretted over whether I would call; whether I would call and immediately hang up; whether I would ever do anything important on my own.
At the Clara Barton Center for Children in Cabin John, Md., it starts with expecting a 4-year-old to hang up her coat without being asked.
So when temptation calls you on the phone, don't argue with it, just hang up! Sometimes this means physically leaving a tempting situation.
It's time to hang up the phone, close the browser on the web meeting, and use the delete button on your email inbox with extreme prejudice!
Talking on a cellphone in the car doesn’t feel scary because we do it so often without consequence, and because we can always hang up the phone.
"I have called now 22 out of the 25 impacted employees, only because I haven't had time to get to the three but I will after we hang up," Brummel said.
"I have called now 22 out of the 25 impacted employees, only because I haven't had time to get to the three but I will after we hang up," Brummel said.