If one does not do anything shameful, one will never show a hangdog look.
A guilty look; the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy - Eric Linklater.
I can't recall the impetus, but I do remember his hangdog expression, conveying the sense that I just didn't understand him.
"Asked the king." I must plainly tell you, prince, that this hangdog silence becomes one of your blood even less than the scape itself.
More people recognize Albert Einstein for his hangdog looks and wild hair than understand what he was trying to say about the nature of space-time.
If China Mobile doesn't make its hangdog AD in abeyance, it will be sure to lose more and more customers. I myself will at no time buy its products.
If China Mobile doesn't make its hangdog AD in abeyance, it will be sure to lose more and more customers. I myself will at no time buy its products.