The invention relates to a hanging ring concentric lock, belonging to the field of concentric lock structure technique.
In addition, upper extreme of the pump body is permanently provided with a hanging ring device; bottoms of the pump end shell cover and of the back cover are provided with adsorption devices.
Let ring linked to the design of electric knife storage become more convenient, when not in use, hanging in the walls or small objects, the neat saves space.
And whatever you do, do not ring the bell hanging behind the counter---this is used by the landlord to signal closing time.
The intricate flower glows in warm, earthy tones. Hanging elegantly on a rose gold chain, this beautiful pendant can be worn with the matching ring for a stylish, vintage look.
Hanging light with stainless steel discs; hoop mounted on a three ring steel structure.
This highly praised novel is a cliff hanging trilogy, namely, the Fellowship of the Ring, the Two Towers and the Return of the King.
Or on the buy will ring hanging on the wall will be moving toys.
And whatever you do, do not ring the bell hanging behind the counter---this is used by the landlord to signal closing time.
The utility model is composed of a top-sucking disk, a hanging chain, a decorative cap, a supporting rod seat, a supporting rod, a circular ring, a lamp holder arranged on the supporting rod, etc.
Then a mouse who kept quiet, stepped forward and said "How about hanging a bell to the cat's neck? Then the bell will ring when the cat comes."
Then a mouse who kept quiet, stepped forward and said "How about hanging a bell to the cat's neck? Then the bell will ring when the cat comes."