I've watched this happen repeatedly, not only to me but also to loved ones and clients.
Some changes happen only once in a while, like an eclipse of the moon. Others happen repeatedly, like the rising and setting of the sun.
It is quite possible that such exits may happen repeatedly, with the person returning to their job if the anticipated catastrophe does not occur.
I want this feedback to happen immediately, because nothing's more frustrating than repeatedly submitting an entire HTML form and getting chastised each time for typing in an invalid value.
Mayweather will not provide details to how the injury occurred, simply calling it a "freak accident," but he has repeatedly told media that it didn't happen in sparring.
Oil experts have repeatedly predicted an unavoidable decline but it has yet to happen.
If this is a complaint you've heard repeatedly, you should think about what you can learn from the situation so it doesn't happen again.
If this is a complaint you've heard repeatedly, you should think about what you can learn from the situation so it doesn't happen again.