According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, small non-food rewards—like the toys in McDonald's Happy Meals—stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.
What do we learn about McDonald's inclusion of toys in its Happy Meals?
Couple of freebie toys from McDonald Happy meals.
I would like to have one MeChicken Combo and two happy meals.
One MeChicken Combo and two happy meals, by the way, do you want to have any other drinks?
This has forced McDonald's to start improving the nutritional balance of their Happy Meals.
We listen to our customers, and parents consistently tell us they approve of our Happy Meals.
All the advertising in the world cannot put fat and sodium-filled Happy Meals in kids' mouths.
And it criticises McDonald's for its latest Happy Meals deal promoting the Kung Fu Panda 2 movie.
We are proud of our Happy Meals and intend to vigorously defend our brand, our reputation and our food.
Regina Klaers, the district spokeswoman, says most parents don't seem bothered by the Happy Meals rewards.
地区发言人Regina Klaers说,大部分的家长不会因为麦当劳的欢乐套餐奖励而感到不安。
Since 2008, U. s. customers have purchased more than 100 million Happy Meals with apple dippers, McDonald's says.
The Happy Meals in those ads offer Apple Dippers and 1% milk instead of French fries and sugary soft drinks.
Since 2008, U.S. customers have purchased more than 100 million Happy Meals with apple dippers, McDonald's says.
The new Happy Meals will be introduced in September and rolled out across the company’s 14, 000 restaurants by April 2012.
Both sides say the decision to stop marketing Disney-related products in McDonald's Happy Meals was for business reasons.
McDonald's made it clear that it was changing the composition of Happy Meals in response to parental and consumer pressure.
The inclusion of toys in Happy Meals prevents kids from choosing healthier options, argues CSPI, and contributes to childhood obesity.
Comments (218) Add to My Stories Glancing at the two McDonald's Happy Meals pictured here, you may feel they look pretty much identical.
"I'm really concerned about the health of my children, and I don't think its OK to entice children to get Happy Meals with a toy," she added.
The happy meals have been enjoyed by investors in McDonald's, whose share price has risen during this period, reaching an all-time high in August.
"By advertising that Happy Meals include toys, McDonald's unfairly and deceptively markets directly to children," the CSPI writes in the letter.
"Happy meals are among the those things frequently requested, and the first thing they ask me to do is open the toy," Parham said in a press conference today.
This message to continually buy, buy, buy … and that it will somehow make us happpier … is drilled into our heads from the days of Happy Meals and cartoons until the day we die.
This message to continually buy, buy, buy … and that it will somehow make us happpier … is drilled into our heads from the days of Happy Meals and cartoons until the day we die.