It is indisputable that birds are harbouring this illness.
Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.
It is indisputable that birds in the UK are harbouring this illness.
Harbouring secrets: German prisoner of war at Stanhill Camp, Lancashire.
Comte DE Reynaud: Rumor has it you are harbouring Madame Muscat. Is that true?
Scrub areas harbouring wild rodents with mites living on them are risk areas to transmit the disease.
Steaming forests harbouring rare creatures. Grassy plains beneath vast horizons, and rich tropical seas.
If we catch ourselves harbouring unjustified thoughts that the world is unfair, it's time to change our views.
Under our only fresh clothing, headgear and footwear outward appearance, be harbouring a discontented evil intent.
A breath of fresh air will sweep through the halls of power, and those harbouring dark intentions will be replaced.
I suspect that you're harbouring a desire for a closer connection with her, but remember: this is a business relationship.
The differences were minimal at young ages, with breast-fed toddlers in both countries harbouring similar populations of gut bacteria.
If you have been harbouring thoughts of vengeance and on realizing that these thoughts are unwholesome, you would want to eradicate them.
The press, ultimately discovered by those it mocked, was destroyed. Its owners were "found guilty of harbouring an itinerant printing press".
The overwhelming majority of women feel that any reference to harbouring a working uterus could jeopardise their chances of landing the role.
If violence halts the supply effort, there will indeed be a state of emergency for a country harbouring half-a-million refugees and displaced persons.
And a moist blade kept in the shower, harbouring old hair and dead skin, can lead to ingrown hairs and irritation when shaving because the blade becomes blunt.
Before Sunrise gets a supernatural twist in this tale of an American backpacker in Italy who falls in love with a beautiful young woman harbouring a dark, primordial secret.
They are transmitted to humans by tsetse fly (Glossina genus) bites which have acquired their infection from human beings or from animals harbouring the human pathogenic parasites.
Computing editor Sarah Kidner said: "the shocking results revealed that some of these keyboards were harbouring harmful bacteria that could potentially give their users a stomach upset."
How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple is harbouring a worm in the bud. But the orange has no secret faults.
All over Europe it is being said that whatever dangerous designs Germany may be harbouring, they will be postponed until the Olympic Games are over and the foreign currency has been harvested.
All over Europe it is being said that whatever dangerous designs Germany may be harbouring, they will be postponed until the Olympic Games are over and the foreign currency has been harvested.