Eggs can be prepared in a variety of ways: deviled eggs, over-easy, omelet style, scrambled, and hard-boiled.
The eggs would be hard boiled by the music before the end of the concert and could be eaten.
Use hard-boiled eggs to make deviled eggs or egg salad sandwiches.
One of its most useful functions, also, is to make an interesting dish out of something simple and economical like hard-boiled eggs, plain poached fish, canned food, or leftovers.
Then before perusing his freshly ironed copy of the Times he chose which of the seven hard boiled eggs was to his liking for his breakfast.
In nineteenth-century America, many saloons had a free lunch counter stocked with sliced meats, breads, hard-boiled eggs, and other good things to eat.
Hard-boiled eggs are great to keep in the refrigerator so family members can snack on them.
Yes, you can buy bags of already hard-boiled eggs at many grocery stores.
For example, hard “boiled” eggs can be made by placing the eggs in a covered pot of water, bringing it to a full boil, then turning off the burner.
Mr. Miao visits her twice a week. A few Saturdays ago, he came with snacks and a plastic bag stuffed with hard-boiled eggs.
An express lunch plate: hard boiled eggs, cheese slices, sliced cucumbers, sliced bell peppers, and sliced avocado.
Or 3 eggs (2 of them whites only) hard-boiled or Fried with olive oil or calorie-free butter substitute.
Even those ingredients that seem like they might require some work - like Beth's hard boiled eggs - can be found ready to eat at the supermarket.
If you're a pescatarian, open your eyes wide and take in the glory of this pie which is layered with beets, mayo, potatoes, diced hard boiled eggs and, of course, herring.
Most Afghans can't afford the food with high protein and try to replace the nutrients with inexpensive food such as hard boiled eggs.
One dive shop features a scuba diving Easter bunny hiding hard boiled eggs.
Without his dark glasses on his face, Li's large, white eyes looked like two shelled hard-boiled eggs.
A friend who studied in China almost 20 years ago told me that his father refused to eat anything other than hard-boiled eggs when he came for a visit.
Hard boiled eggs are far healthier than Fried ones as you cut down on oil or butter, both high in fat content.
Pumpkin cheese balls: Grate your favorite cheese, hard-boiled eggs, tomato or boiled carrot (for color) and a few garlic cloves. Mix together and roll into small balls.
British a dish of rice and hard-boiled eggs and cooked flaked fish.
Vets agree that cooked eggs, such as scrambled or hard-boiled, make an excellent and nutritious treat for a cat.
There is another theory that if you eat things like hard boiled eggs, apples with their skins on, and lean meat which are hard to digest, that the more you eat, the thinner you get.
Many Americans follow the tradition of coloring hard-boiled eggs and giving baskets of candy.
Many Americans follow the tradition of coloring hard-boiled eggs and giving baskets of candy.