A cave bat, which regularly lives on a hard stone ceiling, is more careful about its landing preparation than a bat more accustomed to landing in leafy treetops.
Inflation will climb higher and financial imbalances will widen, running the risk of a hard landing.
Yet it seems only yesterday that prices were falling, giving rise to fears of a hard landing for property investors that could have destroyed huge amounts of personal wealth and delayed the recovery.
A hard landing wouldn't just squeeze U.S. and European exporters.
The danger of a hard landing in China is the most underpriced risk in financial markets, according to a survey of more than 1,000 institutional investors by Barclays Capital.
巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)对逾1000家机构投资者所做的一项调查显示,在金融市场上,中国经济出现硬着陆是威胁性最被低估的一种风险。
Raise rates much further, and a lending shock could force a hard landing (something most analysts insist is still a very remote possibility).
These measures are aimed at preventing a hard landing for the Chinese economy, he said.
It defines a hard landing as a strong monetary and fiscal tightening, designed to curb inflation even at some cost to growth.
After years of double-digit expansion, even 6% annual growth feels like a hard landing and will exacerbate social tensions (see article).
For the time being, though, signs are that the policies that Beijing has pursued to avoid overheating and prevent a hard landing are working.
Still, Second Life is unlikely to experience the same hard landing as the market for subprime mortgages.
Entrepreneurs often work hard at landing a meeting with a potential client's top brass just to blow it on the question and answer period, he says.
By late 2004 he had started to write about a "nightmare hard landing scenario for the United States."
Another hedge fund, Pivot capital Management, argues that the chances of a hard landing, with a slump in capital spending and a banking crisis, are increasing.
This has led some economists to predict a risk for a 'hard landing' scenario and financial crises in Latvia and Estonia.
China's GDP grew by a robust 9.1% year-on-year in the third quarter, easing fears of a hard landing for the economy. See article.
The trend in the weaker dollar is likely to continue as risks of a hard landing in the us increase.
The trend in the weaker dollar is likely to continue, as risks of a hard landing in the US increase.
The trend in the weaker dollar is likely to continue, as risks of a hard landing in the US increase.