Most Roman pottery is light and smooth to touch and very tough, although, like all pottery, it shatters if dropped on a hard surface.
Over three weekends of hard work, Sally turned her design into a real, working go kart and painted it light blue.
After all, it's hard to do a double-blind test when the subjects can see for themselves whether or not the light is on.
The world is full of yin and yang: dark and light, soft and hard, female and male.
Never put yourself in a dark situation when you feel left out and find it hard to get on well with others, are you ready to light your lamp?
But it remains hard to shrink engines, batteries, mechanical actuators and control electronics to the point where they are small and light enough to fly without impairing their performance.
She spoke about the dangers of working too hard, of eating poor food, of houses without light, of dirt and other causes of disease.
As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable.
Some of the aesthetic flourishes Apple is best known for may be hard to duplicate, meanwhile, such as backlit keyboards that light up in the dark.
Look for the light and what it's doing in each of your images. Is it hard or soft, defuse or directional?
I turned out the light when I left a room because my I knew how hard my mom worked and how expensive electricity was.
If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness.
My heart was light, too, unburdened of the weight of all those hard, undigestible feelings that I'd suppressed for so long.
If that's the case, then even turning a light on for a few seconds while you visit the lavatory during the night can cause levels of melatonin to fall, making it hard to get back to sleep.
He and his cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, would sit in the hard pews from 11 in the morning till two in the afternoon, watching the light change.
他和摄影师Sven Nykvist从早上11:00至下午两点就一直坐在教堂里的长凳上,观察周围光照的变化。
the resistive screen is hard to see in strong light - it's as good as resistive gets but it's only marginally useable when using in direct sunlight.
电阻屏在强光下看不清 。 在电阻屏里效果可能数它最好,但在阳光直射下还是很勉强。
These can be modified to produce different colours of light, too, but they have not taken off quickly because they can be hard to package.
That has probably happened already, though the light symptoms shown by most patients make cases hard to track, he said.
Violet light is hard to come by though, especially at night, when glowing leaves would be useful to drivers and pedestrians.
If anyone reads this and has just been diagnosed I know its hard but there is light at the end of the tunnel and just keep going on and never look back.
Without the light of God's truth, the devil's counterfeit and deception is murky and hard to identify.
Particularly on Mondays, papers are often so light that they are hard to fling from a car or bicycle to a doorstep.
I donned a hard hat, a light, gloves and steel-toed boots.
Avoid Glare and Tiny Text High-gloss screens are all the rage, but that reflected light is hard on your eyes.
If Americans suddenly start buying many more ultra-light cars, it is not hard to imagine more deadly accidents as a result.
The light in the North is grim and hard, compared with London’s sunshine, and the existences of Tom’s brother, Ronnie (David Bradley), and his family are bleak and circumscribed.
The light in the North is grim and hard, compared with London's sunshine, and the existences of Tom's brother, Ronnie (David Bradley), and his family are bleak and circumscribed.
Our understanding of others is based on observation and interpretation. Revisited in the hard light of freshly discovered deception, everything changes. Was it innocent, or was it planned?
Our understanding of others is based on observation and interpretation. Revisited in the hard light of freshly discovered deception, everything changes. Was it innocent, or was it planned?