The card read, "I may be old, fat, and hard of hearing, but you were a wonderful lady to save my life."
In some churches, long benches are fitted with hearing AIDS for worshippers who may be hard of hearing.
If you're hard of hearing, or just want to mute the volume on a show, Close Captioning is available as well.
Humorously condescending and emotion-averse, he is a psychiatrist who is hard of hearing and fond of secrets (" I'm not very gracious in responding to performances of emotion, "he admits).
Some deaf and hard of hearing use cochlear implants and hearing AIDS for spoken English, but many prefer ASL, which is an important part of deaf culture.
I don't know why, but I just long Ed to stand by his side. Grandpa is hard of hearing as well as our communication problem which made it difficult for us to understand each other.
It is hoped this research might lead to novel methods of lip-reading training for the deaf and hard of hearing.
It is a matter of common knowledge that he was somewhat hard of hearing, so he hardly ever gave me occasion to put him any question.
Deaf, hearing-impaired, and hard-of-hearing users.
For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, audio content should be accompanied by text versions of the dialogue.
She may not have all her own teeth and she's a bit hard of hearing, but Bulgaria's Pena Dobrava (see photo, m) can still stir violent passions in men.
Our experience at SHHH has demonstrated that it often takes multiple "hits" or contacts with a hard of hearing person before they take action about their hearing loss.
They face a conflict which older hard of hearing people do not have, one which must be at least be acknowledged if we are to provide these children with the support they need.
And in church, for example, long benches are fitted with hearing AIDS for worshippers who may be hard of hearing.
SHHH dedicates itself to providing hard of hearing people and their families with information and support enabling people to live productive and fulfilling lives.
Interest is growing however as hotels around Japan are starting to pick them up to offer deaf and hard of hearing guests.
By now Haji was on the verge of senility, hard of hearing and suffering from arthritic joints.
How do these children face the personal and social identity issues that may confront them during and after their enrollment as hard of hearing children in regular school?
Get the person's attention. It is very important that the hard of hearing person knows that somebody is talking to him or her.
Not even his wife's close friend who has a hearing loss and heads the national organization of and for people who are hard of hearing.
Hard of hearing, in other words, is not some lesser manifestation of "deaf", but a disability entity in its own right.
In this respect, organizations of hard of hearing people function much like many, but not all, support groups in general.
It is more so for hard of hearing children since they are also confronted with the choice of their hearing identity as well.
Life has only recently got better for hard of hearing patients with the development of modern hearing AIDS and cochlear implants.
I don't know why, but I just longed to stand by his side. Grandpa is hard of hearing as well as our communication problem which made it difficult for us to understand each other.
The purpose of my paper, however, is to discuss "The Personal and Social Identity" of hard of hearing people and not Deaf people, either prelingually or post-lingually deafened.
The old man couldn't have hear what the men were whispering about on the night of the murder. He was hard of hearing.
The old man couldn't have hear what the men were whispering about on the night of the murder. He was hard of hearing.