The German Aerospace Centre reckons RayWOx will be good at removing certain pollutants that are particularly hard to get rid of at the moment, notably antibiotics, X-ray contrast media and hormones.
Far from his world of packed concert halls and glittering celebrity events, he visited communities hit hard by TB, schools and a research centre.
Since 2000 they have had an especially hard time, explains Andrew Sum of Northeastern University’s Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS).
He may find it hard to resist a return to centre stage, and that would only undermine Raúl.
In hard times Swedes' natural centre-left instincts tend to come to the fore.
These shortcomings will make it hard for Kenya to become a big centre of just-in-time delivery soon.
Tom keeps it so simple and it is hard to do that when you're in centre-midfield, but Tom does that.
Gmail's failure illustrates there is also a downside to not keeping applications on the PC's hard drive and in the company's own IT centre.
Stuck in an ocean of honking traffic in the city centre, Babu Lal complains about the exorbitant rent on his two-room flat, hard to afford on his earnings as a driver.
I left my electronic dictionary at Language Centre, so I felt very hard in class and I went back Language Centre again after school.
When they were pressing hard it was easier for Gallas and Vermaelen because they could see the ball coming forward and they could step in front of their centre forward.
Now worried shopping centre chiefs, fearing a repeat siege of Santa, have taken "drastic" measures, issuing him with a builder-style hard hat.
China is likely to become the centre of world science, which will come true if we take the advantage of The Times and work hard.
The ball was made of a kind of light and hard wood, which was as big as a fist, empty in the centre and painted outside with vermillion or colors.
Centre has a creative and professional integrity, unity and hard work the team has a wealth of experience and continuous improvement of the professionalism.
Centre has a creative and professional integrity, unity and hard work the team has a wealth of experience and continuous improvement of the professionalism.